"All in a Song" page 12

The Protest Song.

Activists often use protest songs to shine a spotlight on issues and empower people. Traditionally, the songs were folk music that protested injustice. Protest songs became very popular in the 1960's, when activists used them to raise concerns about the rights of Black people in the United States. Some songs even became the voice for the civil rights movement. Others protested war, people's treatment of the environment, and other social issues.

Listen! Activist songs

("list from article: All in a song")

"The Big Yellow Taxi" - Joni Mitchell

"Blowin' in the Wind"- Bob Dylan

"Don't Go Near the Water"- The Beach Boys

"Excuse Me, Mr" - Ben Harper

"Free Nelson Mandela" -The Special AKA

"Give Peace a Chance" - John Lennon

"I Am Woman"- Helen Reddy

"If a Tree Falls" - Bruce Cockburn

"Mother Earth (Natural Anthem)" - Neil Young & Crazy Horse

"One Tin Soldier" - The Original Caste

"Shallow Waters" - Ta' Kaiya Blaney

"Wavin' Flag" - K'naan

"We Shall Overcome" - Pete Seeger

"What's Going On?" - Marvin Gaye

MINI Project:

Choose a song that speaks to you in some way. It can be a protest song or a song with a meaningful message- (thinking about how art makes the world a better place).

Create a Power point, Sway or Flip grid video to share.

Slide 1: share the song (embed youtube video to your presentation) and lyrics (copy and paste into your presentation)

Slide 2: share what you think the song is about (including writing or video/voice recordings, and imagery (can be original to you or borrowed- credit original source)

Slide 3: Highlight a quote/word from the song that you think speaks to the message of the song and explain why.

Slide 4: Explain why you chose this song.

Password: song