St. George's Prize Table

St. George's Prize Table

The hospitality of the St. George's Prize Table is legendary. Traditionally prizes are not bestowed upon the Fighters themselves, but upon their Consorts. In addition, prizes are not awarded to just the winner of the tournament, but to all participants. 

The order in which the consorts select prizes is determined by the order of placement within the tournament - the winner's consort chooses first, the second place fighter's consort chooses next, etc. A separate table of prizes is provided for the Bastion Course Tournament. In this case the prizes are chosen the "owners" of the teams, rather than the consorts. 

Traditionally there are enough prizes on each table to ensure that each consort or "owner" receoves more than one prize. In order to ensure that we can continue to provide such a wealth of prizes, we ask that each Fighter and/or Consort in the Crested Helm Tournament contribute at least one (1) prize to the Prize Table. Additionally, we suggest that fighters planning to enter the Bastion Course Tournament also contribute a prize for that table. 

We also encourage members of the populace, especially our Noble Visitors, to contribute items to the Prize Tables. Prizes may be any SCA-related and/or St. George and the Dragon related items. They may be either new or gently used, but must be in good condition. They need not be hand-made, or if they are hand-made - they do not need to be your own work. If you would enjoy receiving it as a prize at an event, then it would make an appropriate prize.

Suggestions from past prize tables include: feast gear, small statues, banners, wall tapestries, books, goblets, drinking horns, pottery, fabric suitable for making garb, bundles of trim, jewelry, candles, candle holders, lanterns/lamps, knives, cutlery, armor, rattan, frames suitable for framing award scrolls, tablecloths, sets of napkins, garb, SCA-appropriate accessories, calligraphy and/or illumination supplies, sewing supplies (period or modern), leather working supplies, craft supplies for other crafts, banners, pouches, etc. Again, if you would enjoy receiving it, then it will make a nice prize. Alcohol is permitted, but please keep the site restrictions on glass bottles in mind!