Jonah and Amos

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Jonah and Amos Reading Guide

Historical context: Jonah and Amos were both contemporaries of King Jeroboam II.

See 2 Kings 14:23-29 and Amos 1:1. Was Jeroboam II a good king or a bad king?


Chapters 1 and 3 - Jonah’s encounters with non-Israelites

Who are the non-Israelites in chapter 1? In chapter 3?

Note the contrast between the non-israelites and Jonah. Who is arrogant and selfish? Who is humble and repentant?

Chapters 2 and 4 - Jonah’s prayers

What was Jonah’s attitude as he prayed in chapter 2? In Chapter 4?

The book overall 

Who is rebelling and who is humble and repentant?

Look for words or phrases that represent downward movement.

Look for words that represent tossing or throwing or hurling.

What is Jonah’s one sentence (5 words in Hebrew) message to Nineveh? 

Does it come true?

God gets the last word - he asks Jonah two questions. What are they?

What is the message of the book overall?


What did Amos do for a living? (7:14-15)

Chapters 1-2 Message to the nations surrounding Israel and to Israel

What are God’s accusations against Israel? (2:6-16)

Chapters 3-6 Message to Israel and its leaders

How does the word “hypocrisy” fit in with Amos’s message?

Watch for these concepts:

What symbolism is used to describe these concepts? What does the symbolism say about God’s expectation?

Watch for the theme of idolatry. What is the result of the worship of other gods in terms of relationships to other people?

What is the relationship between seeking God and seeking good? (chapter 5)

What will be the result of Israel’s idolatry,injustice, and righteousness? (chapter 6)

Chapters 7-9 Amos’s visions of Israel’s coming judgment

Chapters 7-8

What different symbols are associated with the phrase, “This is what the sovereign LORD showed me”? What is the significance of the symbols?

Chapter 9

Contrast between judgment and hope.

What is God’s last word in the book of Amos?