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Reading Guide - Ezekiel

Background: Ezekiel lived with and prophesied to the Israelite exile community in Babylon. He was taken to Babylon in the second group of exiles in 597 BC. His ministry began before and continued after the destruction of Jerusalem in 586 BC.

What to watch for: Watch for the appearance of God’s “chariot throne” through the book. Where is it going from? Where is it coming to? What direction is it going?

Chapters 1-11 - Accusations against Israel

Chapter 1: Ezekiel’s vision of God’s “chariot throne” - “the appearance of the likeness of the glory of Yahweh”. Where does Ezekiel see this vision? What title does God give Ezekiel?

Chapters 4-5 - What were the three public “sign acts” that Ezekiel was told to perform to illustrate his prophecies?

Chapters 6-7 - What is the bad news God gives Ezekiel?

Chapters 8-11 - Ezekiel’s vision of the temple. What was happening at the temple? What was happening with God’s “chariot throne”? What is the significance of the “chariot throne” moving away from the temple? 

11:16-20 - A glimmer of hope - From a heart of stone to a soft heart

Chapters 12-24 - Judgment on Israel - What are the four parables Ezekiel uses to describe Israel’s condition (ch 15, 16, 19, 23)? Ezekiel as a lawyer bringing charges against Israel (ch 14, 18, 20).

Chapters 25-32 - Judgment on the nations - Particularly Egypt and Tyre, who have contributed to the corruption of Israel. Babylon will bring them down.

Chapter 33 - What is the message that comes to Ezekiel from Judah?

Chapters 34-37 - Hope for Israel

Chapters 38-39 - Hope for the nations -  God defeats evil among the nations

Chapters 40-48 - Hope for all creation

Chapters 40-46 - Vision of a new temple - What part does God’s “chariot throne” play in this vision?

Chapters 47-48 - Water flowing from the temple - Compare to Genesis 2 and Revelation 21-22. What is the significance of the water, the river, and the trees?