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Deuteronomy Reading Guide
1:1-5 Introduction
Moses’ opening speech Chapters 1-11
Chapters 1-3 - Summarize the story so far
Contrast Israel’s rebellion with God’s grace
Chapters 4-11 - Moses calls the new generation to covenant faithfulness
Central to this speech is the SHEMA (Deuteronomy 6:4-5)
If they are faithful and obedient to the covenant, they can show the whole world the wisdom and the justice of God.
Emphasis on One God - Yahweh
Chapters 12-26 - Collection of the Laws
Chapters 12-16a
Worship ONE God in ONE temple
Worshiping God = care for the poor
Chapters 16b-18 - Character qualities of Israel’s leaders: Elders, priests, kings
Israel’s leaders were subordinate to the Law and the Prophets.
Chapters 19-26
Civil laws: marriage, family, business
Social justice: protection of the widow, orphan, immigrant
More laws about worship
Chapters 27-34 - Moses final speech and death
Chapters 27-30 - Warning and ultimatum
Listen and obey = blessing
Rebellion = devastation and exile
Moses forces a decision (30:15-20)
Chapters 31-34
The Law written down and given to the Levites
Joshua commissioned
Then Moses makes a prediction (31:24-29)
Poem of warning against disobedience (32:1-43)
Poem of blessing (chapter 33)
Moses died (chapter 34)
Tips for reading these laws:
The laws are the terms of the Sinai covenant given to ancient Israel living in a culture very different than ours
Don’t compare these laws with modern laws from a very different culture. Instead, compare these laws with the laws of Israel’s neighbors. When you do that, laws that seem harsh or bizarre become much more clear God was pushing Israel to a higher level of justice than was ever known before.
Discern the core principle underlying the law.
Extra Credit
How does Paul the apostle do this in 1 Corinthians 9:1-12? In verse 9 he quotes a law from Deuteronomy 25:4. How does he apply it to himself and the Corinthians.