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Hosea Reading Guide

Hosea was contemporary with Amos and Jonah. He lived and prophesied in the Northern Kingdom of Israel during the reign of the wicked king Jeroboam II.

He uses the words “Israel”, “Ephraim”, and “Jacob” interchangeably to refer to the Northern Kingdom of Israel.

Chapters 1-3 Hosea’s marriage to Gomer

What happens to their marriage?

What did God tell Hosea to do about his marriage?

How is the description of this marriage a message to Israel?

Look for these themes:

What is the significance of  chapter 3:4-5?

Chapters 4-10 Causes and effects of Israel’s unfaithfulness

What is the charge God brings against Israel?

Watch for the concept of “knowledge”. What is true knowledge?

Watch for the concept of hypocrisy. What maps the Israelites hypocrites?

How do their political alliances with the nations around them fit into this situation?

What will be the consequences of these alliances?

Chapter 11 Th father - son story

How does Hosea describe the relationship between God and Israel?

How does the father act toward the son?

What does the son do?

What is the father’s dilemma? What does the father decide to do?

What parable of Jesus does this remind you of?

Chapters 12-13 Hosea’s history lesson

What three historical events does Hosea talk about and what point is he making?

Chapter 14 Call to repentance

What does Hosea call Israel to do?

What does God say he will do when they repent?

What imagery does Hosea use to describe the repentant and restored Israel?

Read Romans chapter 11. What is the similarity?

What is the significance of verse 9?