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Reading Guide - Jeremiah

A messenger of God’s justice and grace

Jeremiah lived and prophesied during the last few years before Jerusalem was conquered and destroyed, and he lived through the siege and into the exile period, and he remained in Judah during the exile.

Chapter 1 - Jeremiah’s call

What was his “occupation” or “ministry” before he was called to be a prophet?

To whom was he called to be a prophet?

What was he appointed to do? What is the contrast? What imagery is used to describe the contrast?

What were the two visions that Jeremiah saw and what was their meaning?

What imagery is used? What is its meaning?

What imagery does God use to describe Jeremiah as he stands to preach? What does that imagery say to you about God and Jeremiah and their relationship?

What categories of people does God say Jeremiah will be preaching to?

Chapters 2-25 - Accusations and warnings - Core idea: Israel has broken the covenant

Worship of other gods - Imagery of idolatry as adultery

What accusation is made against Israel’s leaders (kings, priests, prophets)? What are the results of their behavior? Who is being hurt and oppressed by their behavior?

Chapter 7 - What is happening in chapter 7 inside and outside the temple? What will be the consequences of that behavior?

Chapter 25 - What is described and prophesied in this chapter? What imagery is used to describe it? What is the meaning of the imagery?

Chapters 26-45 - Judgment and hope for Israel

Chapters 26-29 - Jeremiah rejected by Israel’s leaders

Chapters 30-33 - Hope for Israel’s future

What do you think is the central message of this section? What is it pointing toward?

Chapters 34-45 - Siege and destruction of Jerusalem

Chapters 46-52 - Judgment and hope for the nations

Chapters 46-49 - God will use Babylon to judge the nations around Israel

Chapters 50-51 - God’s judgment on Babylon itself

God used Babylon for judgment on Israel and other nations, but that does not mean that he endorsed their idolatry, injustice, and violence. Jeremiah denounces Babylon’s pride and injustice.

Chapter 52:1-30 - A historical narrative describing the destruction and fall of Jerusalem and the exile of the people (compare 2 Kings 25), showing how Jeremiah’s warnings of judgment were fulfilled.

Chapter 52:31-34 - What is the significance of this small section? What is the point?