
Below you will see groups of behaviors that describe specific patterns of sensory processing. As you read through these lists, make note of any that stick out to you or seem to be descriptive of your child. Click on any group for more information about that particular pattern of sensory processing. Children can display different patterns at different times, so make sure to click on all that apply.

My child appears...

  • easily distracted or overwhelmed by colors or visual textures of clothes or the room or lighting of the room
  • easily distracted or overwhelmed by environmental noises; averse to or startled by fastening or unfastening velcro, snaps, zippers, etc.
  • to avoid certain fabrics or textures, avoid loose fabric against skin, prefer heavy or tight clothes, shoes, hats, or gloves; to consistently shred or pick at fabric or wear clothes that are not weather appropriate; sensitive to tags or seams
  • highly sensitive to the smells of fabrics and may refuse to wear certain clothing
  • rigid in movements or to resist movement; to need to close eyes during big movements
  • to avoid bending over to pick up clothes or tie shoes

My child appears...

  • to consistently put clothes on backwards or inside out, wear mismatched clothes, or leave fasteners undone
  • unresponsive to name or verbal prompts
  • to prefer certain fabrics, loose clothing, short pants or sleeves, or multiple layers; to shred or pick at fabric or consistently choose clothing that is not weather appropriate; unaware if clothing is on backward, inside out, or if fasteners are aligned properly
  • not to notice odors of clothing
  • clumsy or floppy, unaware of his or her body in space, or to struggle to maintain position and posture; to have difficulty coordinating body movements or trouble dressing without using vision
  • unaware of or unphased by excess movement

My child appears...

  • to choose loud, mismatched, or busy clothing with various patterns
  • to rapidly or repetitively fasten or unfasten velcro, zips, or snaps
  • to prefer wear certain fabrics or textured clothing, to be naked or wear heavy clothes for increased input to sensitive areas of the body), to have bare feet or very tight shoes, to play or fidget with or explore fabric or fasteners, or to shred or pick at fabric
  • request specific clothes with a specific scent
  • mouth or chew on clothing
  • strongly prefer fabrics which give resistance such as spandex, lyrcra, or elastic
  • to have difficulty sitting still to complete tasks, bend way over to tie shoes, or hang upside down

My child appears...

  • to consistently put clothes on backwards or inside out, leave fasteners undone, or put clothes on the wrong body part, such as putting head through arm hole or shirt over legs
  • unable to discern direction, volume, pitch, or quality of sound
  • to struggle to distinguish between temperatures (to choose weather appropriate clothing), smooth or rough textures, or light or firm pressure for snapping, buttoning, or velcro-ing
  • uncertain of body position or relationship between body parts, especially when eyes are closed
  • uncertain of head position, upright position, or speed of movements

My child appears...

  • lazy or lethargic
  • to struggle to maintain position or struggle to maintain balance with one leg while threading other leg through clothing
  • to be easily fatigued by everyday tasks

My child appears...

  • unaware of how to plan dressing gross and fine motor tasks
  • uncertain of how to correctly sequence steps (i.e. may attempt to wrap two loops in shoelaces before first tying knot)
  • to struggle to complete steps in order even if he or she demonstrates understanding of the correct order
  • may put clothing on wrong body part, put on backwards, inside out, or struggle to put on altogether if not layed out the same way every time