Bathing and Showering

Below you will see groups of behaviors that describe specific patterns of sensory processing. As you read through these lists, make note of any that stick out to you or seem to be descriptive of your child. Click on any group for more information about that particular pattern of sensory processing. Children can display different patterns at different times, so make sure to click on all that apply.

My child appears...

  • averse to harsh bathroom lighting; distracted by bubbles, suds, or water droplets; picky about cleanliness
  • intolerant of the bathroom fan, the sound of splashing water, or the echo in bathrooms
  • unable to tolerate immersion in water or the feel of droplets/streams of water beating on skin from the shower; averse to the texture of washcloths, towels, loofahs, etc.; very sensitive to temperature and complains that water is too hot or too cold
  • averse to scented soaps, shampoos, or lotions
  • to react as if the water is too heavy to move in
  • to get easily dizzy or need to sit while watching water move

My child appears...

  • inattentive to areas of the body needing cleaned; not to distinguish between different bathing products or implements
  • not to hear prompts or to require more time to respond
  • unaware of temperature of water or delayed to notice if too hot or too cold
  • clumsy or floppy, unaware of his or her body in space, or to struggle to maintain position and posture
  • unaware of or unphased by excess movement

My child appears...

  • distracted, rapidly flips light switches, or engages in self-stimulating behavior, such as "flapping"
  • to need to sing, speak, or vocalize loudly or repetitively; to increase vocalizations in the echoing environment of the bathroom; to need to splash or smack water; playful or destructive
  • to demonstrate compulsion to touch or explore textures or temperatures; to frequently adjust showerhead stream or insist on high water pressure; to compulsively touch, shred, or pick at wash cloth, towel, loofah, etc.
  • to seek smelling soap or shampoo; distracted by scented items
  • to crave resistance from bath water and may kick or splash

My child appears...

  • to struggle to distinguish between similar symbols (hot, cold)
  • unable to discern direction, volume, pitch, or quality of sound
  • to struggle to distinguish between hot or cold water, smooth or rough textures, high or low water pressure
  • uncertain of body position or relationship between body parts, especially when eyes are closed
  • uncertain of head position, upright position, speed of movements

My child appears...

  • lazy or lethargic
  • to struggle to maintain position standing in shower or sitting in bathtub
  • to be easily fatigued by everyday tasks

My child appears...

  • unaware of how to plan showering and bathing motor tasks
  • uncertain of how to correctly sequence steps (i.e. may step into bath and then take clothes off)
  • to struggle to complete steps in order even if he or she demonstrates understanding of the correct order