2019 MS-B Division

First Place

"Futari no Kamisaurusu"


Tsukuba International School

Justin Saffell (Gr. 7)

I believe that my book trailer was good enough and I think animation helped me. The animation software wasn’t very efficient. It always lagged and downloading it took forever. It took me almost a month to finish my animation because of its frame rate. I also used i movie for music and credits. The gap between the first song and second is purpose because it fits like that. I think I did a good job.

This work uses hand-drawn illustrations and animation effectively. It creatively depicts how the two boys are drawn into the world of origami dinosaurs more and more through showing not only the characters themselves but also many origami works that they make. The tempo of the music matches the speed of the texts and is easy to read. The combination with the illustrations is also very good.

Second Place

"Haikei Okaasan"


Hokkaido International School

Annabelle Cooke (Gr.6)

Reading this book taught me about typesetting. This book talks about typesetting a lot. When Yuna went to her grandpa’s and grandma’s house, she began to love her grandpa’s work (typesetter). I think that it’s amazing that a 3rd grader can do a hard thing like that. At first, I didn’t understand the last part, but when I read it the 2nd place I was able to understand.

"Boku no Doragon"


Tokyo International School

Keito Bortesi (Gr. 7)

When I was making the book trailer for the book called My Dragon, there were a few challenges along the way. For one thing, I made the trailer using LEGO, meaning that I had to move the legos for every single frame, which was both very challenging and time consuming. However, I think editing the trailer was pretty fun to do. Since I love making animations, I think the book trailer turned out well.

The work presents Yuna's (the main character’s) sad feelings and interpersonal conflicts, using the illustrations effectively. Captions are also effective. Although the originality of expression is not outstanding, the work effectively covers the appeal of this book. The camera work in the end roll is not that effective, but the music matches the story.

This is an outstanding creative work using Lego and stop-motion effectively. The movement of the dolls is astonishingly smooth. The whole structure is well-thought, stimulating the viewer’s imagination of where the story goes. The final credit should have been shorter to make the tempo smoother.

"Kamonohashikun no Wasuremono"


Hiroshima International School

Sua Bae (Gr. 8)

When I was editing, I was getting better because I was learning how to edit. Also, when I was reading the book and I was editing, I learned some new vocabulary. Through this time, I could try to make a good sentences in Japanese and it was good challenge to me. Before I make the video, I worried about making video a lot but it was even better than that I thought. I tried my best and it was fun.

Simple, but clearly and directly tells the main point of the book. The trailer does make the audience think what life is. Good choice of music that matches the theme. Some narration would make it more inviting.

Third Place

"Anmin Gappa no Pajamayasan"



Hiroshima International School

Itsuki Oka (Gr. 8)

Juliette Decamp (Gr. 7)

In this process we faced many challenges. The illustrations for the trailer was very difficult and challenging to draw realistically. Our goal was to make the drawings original, which was very hard. We also struggled with deciding how much of the book to include in the book trailer because we wanted to hook the audience but not reveal too much. Overall the process of making the book trailer, was time consuming, but we felt proud.

"Eetama Icchou"


Hiroshima International School

Mei Yano (Gr. 7)

When making the book trailer, I found it challenging, but fun. I tried really hard with the drawings, which didn’t turn out well. Because of this, I also struggled with time management. I did a lot of work at home since I couldn’t really focus in class. However, the editing process was really enjoyable. My book trailer was insprired by book trailers that have won previous competitions. I noticed that a lot of them have no digital pictures taken from the internet. So, I tried the same strategy, and drew most of my images. In the end, my book trailer turned out better than expected, and I had a fun time creating one.

"Joya no Kane"


Hiroshima International School

Tess Clark (Gr. 6)

When I first found out we needed to make a book trailer I was kind of worried as I had never done anything like this before, although I ended up having a great time filming as well as editing. The biggest challenge for me was finding suitable music that would match the theme and flow of my book trailer. I feel like making a book trailer has also helped me improve my Japanese. Overall I am happy with the outcome of my book trailer, and am excited to do this again next year.

A mysterious atmosphere is well presented by the effective use of the sound, such as the suspicious sound of a sewing machine. Although narration is good, more careful consideration of the image would make the work even better. The first half was very good, but the end of the second half should be more carefully thought.

Sound effects such as the sound of walking and the sound of flying balls are used creatively. This work succeeds in introducing the contents skillfully without revealing the end of the story, presenting the creator’s deep understanding of what a book trailer is. It will be a higher-level work by a more careful consideration of the images, reducing the text-only scenes and incorporating the elements of the second half.

This work combines photographs, videos, and hand-drawn illustrations effectively. Especially the angle of the photographs is interesting. Although this work rather looks like a mere introduction of the contents of the book rather than a book trailer, the whole structure is well organized.