App inventor

App Inventor is a free tool to create apps for Android smartphones and tablets. In the Spanish exchange meeting, the students created this video to show an example of an app -Personal Portfolio- coded with App Inventor:

This video is a shot of the workshop:

app inventor.mp4

And finally, these were the steps of the workshop carried out by the Spanish students for their European partners:

What is the purpose of the workshop?

To create an app for Android devices.

You need:

  • A Gmail account.
  • to open the AppInventor website in a browser with your Gmail account.
  • to download the .aia file -it contains the code to build the app.
  • to upload that file to the AppInventor web.
  • to modify the URLs and text on the buttons.
  • to build the .apk file. It contains the app. Download it and upload it to your Google/Drive account.
  • Search for that file on the smartphone or tablet. Download it on the smartphone.
  • Install it -probably you need to change the settings to install apps.
  • Enjoy your own app!

the workshop STEP BY STEP:

2) Download the program -don't open the file, save it to the computer.

Download: PersonalPortfolio2.aia

3) Open the App Inventor website. Log into your Gmail account.

4) Import the Personal Portfolio2.aia file that you downloaded on 2) step.

5) Now you can see the screen for the app.

6) You can change the button, texts and colours:

7) Click on Blocks to go to coding screen:

8) Change the URL of the buttons that you prefer:

9) Build and download the .apk file:

10) Upload the .apk file to Google/Drive:

11) And finally... Search for the apk file on your smartphone and install it.

If you need a Gmail account, you can use:

  • ...

Don't forget close your accounts!

Thank you!