europe day

Celebrating Europe Day at the Spanish school, IES Santiago Apóstol

The participation of our school in the Erasmus + programme strengthens the European dimension of our institution and it also helps raise awareness of European citizenship and promote the different Erasmus + actions and experiences we are carrying out.

With a focus on our KA219 project safe.netizens@eu and other mobility projects we celebrated Europe Day on Wednesday, 9th May feeling closer to our partners from Finland, Hungary, Italy, Slovenia and France. Our students promoted our partners’ culture and conducted workshops about their experiences within different international projects. These were the activities we developed during Europe Day:

Reading of Robert Schuman’s declaration in Spanish, French and English.

Tasting of different European dishes (made by VET students from the Food Industry course).

Dissemination workshop by the students who participated in the exchange meetings in Finland and Slovenia within our KA219 project.

Presentation about the culture and language experience of third-year students in Brey (Ireland)

“European culture pills”, theatrical dialogues in French performed by students in different classes.

Presentation of diploma awards for VET students within the KA102 mobility project “Aljuve”.

While the activities were taking place there were mural and flag displays, stands, quizzes, human banners showing facts about the European Union, , map of Europe display with our partner countries and mobilities, slide presentations in the entrance hall… Here is a photo album of the event and activities:


On June 6th, 2018 the students and teachers involved in the project showed colleagues and students from all classes of the school the experiences and work that had been done up to that moment. The students who had participated in the mobility activities so far showed videos and pictures from the exchange meetings in Finland and Slovenia. Along with that they told the participants about their experiences in terms of the project's subject matter, digital citizenship, in addition to multicultural issues, and their life experience with the new freinds form the other countries.


Arany Janos Altalanos school joined the #ErasmusDays initiative and organised a project day for their secondary school students. The main aim of the event was to give information about our project, report on the activities and results, and to give a presentation on the mobilities that had been completed. They also involved students outside the project in activities they had already done - they completed the digital survey we had at the beginning, they also designed posters about internet safety and even took part in a Digital Citizenship quiz, in which they needed to answer questions the students directly involves in the project had also answered in the different questionnaires. The student members of the Hungarian project team visited lower and upper primary classes and held a workshop for them about the safe use of the Internet. They gave a copy of the rules that had been jointly compiled in Slovenia, but they gave it to them in Hungarian! It was fun and great to share all the experiences we have had together!

Worskshop about safe Internet


Working together

Presentation of checklist about safe use of the Internet