Can I use that?

This workshop carried out in the exchange meeting held in Spain was complementary to the workshop conducted by the two experts from CEDEC and it was also created to respond to some unresolved questions raised in the input test completed by the students after the first year of the project. Many students proved that it was not clear to them what using copyrighted material involves and which alternative ways to copyright exist.

The workshop was aimed to help students and teachers have an understanding of copyright and fair use as an essential 21st century skill when it comes to posting and sharing their work online and beyond the classroom walls. Just because a photograph, for instance, is available online via google or any photo sharing programme, it does not mean it is free to use. Therefore, the purpose of the workshop was to introduce a dynamic, free, legal option for using other people’s creative works through Creative Commons as an alternative.

Also the workshop addressed the topic of plagiarism and raised an essential question: what should be considered when using other people’s work and doing research? The workshop can be followed here:

Can I use that?

After the hands-on workshop, the students were divided into mixed groups and were asked to come up with common guidelines and tips that were discussed, selected and unified in a common poster as a result of all the students' common work:

Fair use rules

Working in mixed international teams

Selecting rules and tips

Set of rules selected