Human Library

Human Library

As a thematic area of the student exchange in Slovenske Konjice was digital etiquette and cyberbullying, most of the activities were oriented towards an appropriate behaviour online and types of cyberbullying, so the Human Library as the last activity in the Slovenian student exchange offered a way for the students to see people and the world around them in a more unprejudiced, unbiased way. The activity was a perfect counterpoint to cyberbullying.

Mladinski kulturni center Maribor (MKC Maribor) is a public institution which operates in the field art, youth sector and youth infrastructure. Their programmes, events and activities are focused on youth and adults who are interested in contemporary art and urban culture. It is a method to overcome prejudice and stereotypes about certain communities as well as to enhance tolerance in the society in general.

Human library works as a normal library just that the book titles are people's identities, for example disabled, recovered from anorexia, transsexual, former alcoholic, a nun, an immigrant, a person with Asperger's syndrome, a vegan…. First you pick a title from the catalogue, then you get a card and take around 20 minutes to speak to the Human Book.

Human books' profiles

Listening to a human book

Meeting a human book

Picking the books