1st transnational meeting

1st transnational meeting in Italy: 22-25 October 2017

PROGRAMME 22nd-25th.docx

Programme of the first transnational meeting

The first transnational project meeting took place in Civitavecchia, Italy. It was organised from 22-25 October, 2017 and each partner institution was represented by two project team members. As it was the first meeting of our two-year partnership we started our cooperation by getting to know each other by showing films about our schools made by our students. During the meeting we launched the project by revising the activities to be completed until the first student exchange and we agreed on the assessment tools and online platforms to use for the implementation of the activities. We agreed on the exact dates of the project mobilities of the first year and discussed responsibilities of each partner.

We elaborated the rules for the logo competition and distributed tasks among project team members.

We also selected activity types for the common measurement tool that we will use for evaluating students’ knowledge of digital citizenship and the English language.

We shared useful practices for creating digital portfolios and got acquainted with useful tools such as Symbaloo and Livebinder. We had a training session on the efficient use of eTwinning and Twinspace.

Besides project management tasks, we took part in an interesting presentation about a cooperation the Italian school participates in with the view of providing help for orphans in Malawi.

The participating teachers also had the opportunity to observe different lessons such as English, Maths, Latin and Italian.

We also took part in some great cultural activities and we went on a long walk to explore the breathtaking Civitavecchia. We also had the opportunity to see the spectacular Tarquinia.

It was a really good meeting with great project partners, so all of us have arrived home full of enthusiasm about our cooperation!

The first student exchange will take place in Finland during the second half of January 2018.