2nd Transnational meeting

2nd transnational meeting in Hungary: 28-30 May 2018


Programme of the transnational meeting in Százhalombatta


We met the Principal of the Arany János Általános Iskola és Gimnázium. She was a perfect host, gave us a warm welcoming and showed enthusiasm for how the project is going on. After that, school representatives and Principal were received by the deputy Mayor at the Town Hall. The meeting was interesting and friendly as well. The Deputy Mayor showed a real interest in developing partnership by creating further relations between our respective municipalities.

Back to school teachers worked on first year results, we compared findings and exchanged ideas. We wrapped up work carried out this year, website was updated and created some new materials for students.

In the afternoon we met experts of Hungarian National Agency for some training.

We had a very catching and interesting training activity about new teaching methodology, in particular ICT teaching. The training workshop was carried out by Prievra Tibor, #School, it was intensive and stimulating. We all agreed that it helped raising some good reflections about our work.

A delicious dinner by the Danube river completed the day.

Tuesday 29th:

The first part of the day was spent at school, arranging the second year activities. We planned meetings and student exchanges, fixed dates and general work to be done.

In the afternoon we visited the lovely Bory Castle and then we walked around the streets of the city of Székesfehérvár, former capital of Hungary. We learnt about some moments in Hungarian history.

The day came to an end at a characteristic restaurant near the city.

We had a good opportunity to get to know something more about Százhalombatta and Hungary.