


  1. By Furco

For Furco (1999), a well-implemented service-learning program must contain at least four components: meets a genuine community need (not prefabricated or hypothetical); integrates community service activities with academic studies; gives students the voice of creation and development of service projects; and provide structured time for students to reflect on how the service experience and academic studies relate to each other (p. 36).

  1. Service Learning: Federal Definition

The Corporation for National Service (CNS) uses the service-learning definition listed in the 1993 National and Community Service Trust Act. Following is both the definition and the purpose of the Trust Act.

What is Service-Learning?

Service-learning combines service to the community with student learning in a way that improves both the student and the community. According to the National and Community Service Trust Act of 1993: (23) SERVICE-LEARNING– The term 'service-learning' means a method–

A) under which students or participants learn and develop through active participation in thoughtfully organized service that–

  • (i) is conducted in and meets the needs of a community;

  • (ii) is coordinated with an elementary school, secondary school, institution of higher education, or community service program, and with the community; and

  • (iii) helps foster civic responsibility; and

(B) that–

  • (i) is integrated into and enhances the academic curriculum of the students, or the educational components of the community service program in which the participants are enrolled; and

  • (ii) provides structured time for the students or participants to reflect on the service experience.