Find Yourself

Video Mapping Kinetic Installation

Visual Artist: Rose Ansari

Musician: John Daniel

Audiovisual Projection Mapping Kinetic Installation

Material: Mirror, Wire Structure, Projector, Fan, Laser Cut, Fishing Line, Video, Music.

Size: a 45x45 inches room

This piece is comprised of Persian motifs, kinetic mirrors, electronic music, and an explosion of lights in a black box. There is an oriental atmosphere created, leaving the audience feeling lost and suspended in an endless universe of stars.

"I chose the mirrors for different reasons. I liked the idea that the mirrors in the sculpture reflect themselves. What can you see in a mirror that reflects another mirror? As you see, this is an abstraction of infinity. Even though in my mirrors you will see fragments of the space that surrounds you, you’ll never get the whole picture as we cannot see and understand everything around us. The other idea is that you will stand in front of these sculptures made of hundreds of mirrors, but you will not see yourself reflected in them because of the way they are arranged. That relates to the idea of aniconism."

Timo Nasseri

Fall 2018

High shutter speed photographs - Explosion of lights

Reflections on the white walls of the gallery

Video of Installation