I was interviewing a woman who choose to start a farm for our short film material.

Human Sustainability

Experimental documentary short film

In May 2022, my short film Dehumanization was selected to be part of the Duemila30 film festival in Milan, Italy. My short film was screened at the Interactive Museum of Cinema in Milan. They also offered me a scholarship to attend a 3-day filmmaking and storytelling workshop taught by Emmy- and Oscar-winning lecturers. As part of this event, 80 filmmakers, including me, were invited to participate and make a short film. As the group of 10, 7 filmmakers and I made a short film documentary called Human Sustainability. This was about a family choosing to leave the modern and industrial life of the city to establish a farm and charity in the countryside. We won a grant of 2000 € for the next project's budget.

For our next project, we are now recording in So Paulo, Brazil directed by the Brizilian member of the group, Megg Miranda.

Sinopsis of the next short film, Xondaro:

Indigenous causes are necessary for human rights and demarcation. In the 4th most populous city in the world, there is the smallest demarcated indigenous territory in the country: 3,000 Guaranis suffer from the proximity to the city, getting lack of resources, pollution of rivers, racism, police violence, lack of infrastructure and sanitation, etc. Unable to live like their ancestors, their culture is lost as it merges with the urban culture.

Spring 2022 - Present

Duemila30 Film Festival Poeple

I gave a lecture about my short film in Interactive Museum of Cinema in Milan.

Human Sustainibilty
