
Photography Series and Video Art

I was interested in the introduction of a man-made object in an outdoor setting, a white cube, a human element that forms a relationship with nature and helps it to be born again. In this way, I experience these alternative landscapes as a kind of storytelling; a continuous canvas that symbolically references creation, the picture or a cliché space that needs to be recreated. The whole thing is done in an empirical way and is guided by formal research which was both meticulous and demanding. This alternative landscape provides a new reading of conventional forms, of life, and complexity. To others, it may seem like irony but my approach to landscape is to incorporate a poetic component that will trigger an emotional response. This is linked to the abstraction of the form and color of the cube with the form and color of nature. I wanted to create something that was not a cliché and popular landscape but rather something engineered and designed, so as to move the viewer in a different way. Furthermore, the moving white cube in these photographs may appear as a solid and heavy form or as a playful and living creature depending on the way it is framed.

Winter 2022

Hmanurban Video Art