Short Stories

Story 1 - "Los Angeles" by Ling Ma

Los Angeles_Ling Ma.pdf
Ma -Los Angeles- best short story I read this week essay.pdf

The Best Short Story I Read in a Lit Mag This Week

Poem Packet #1 - Poems set in California

Companion pieces to "Los Angeles"

Poem Packet California.docx

Story #2 - "The Era" by Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah

Literary Criticism.pdf

Poem Packet #2 - Poems by Black Authors

Companion Pieces to "The Era"

Poem Packet Black Authors.docx

Story #3 - "Cherry Coke & Mint Pulao" by Anurag Andra

Andra Cherry Coke & Mint Pulao

Poem Packet #3 - Coming of Age Poems

Companion Pieces to "Cherry Coke & Mint Pulao"

Poem Packet Coming of Age.docx