class Units

Research Paper

Identify key issues associated with your topic and examine their implications for society.

3-4 pages, MLA format, 4 sources (1 needs to be an academic journal).

Seniors - due May 24 (considered late if turned in May 28; won't be accepted past May 28 at 3pm), Juniors - due by 3pm the day of your class final (won't be accepted past June 5 at 3pm).

Global Issues Database - Click Here (If you're off campus, password is edisonhs)


Research Rubric_AP Lang Final.pdf


Barbie-Q - by Sandra Cisneros - Read the story. On binder paper, write the theme of this story along with evidence for support.

Pulitzer Prize Winners 2018

Full List and Rationales for the Winners

The Cultural and Political Forces Behind Kendrick Lamar's Pulitzer

"Ultimately, this year's prize for music has sparked a vibrant conversation about aesthetics, class, the division between so-called high and low art and whether giving one of the most esteemed prizes in American music to one of its most popular musicians represents a long-overdue corrective or an insult to non-commercial, so-called serious music." - Randall Roberts, L.A. Times

Mr. Lamar, a 30-year-old from Compton, Calif., is the first winner who did not produce classical or jazz music — and certainly the first rapper. Mr. Lamar’s fourth LP topped the charts while also tackling thorny personal and political issues, including race, faith and the burdens of commercial success.

Visual Analysis - Tuesday, March 13

Using the photography analysis organizer from last week to help you, look at this image taken during the Great Depression and write a 1/4 to 1/2 page analysis of the image.

Visual Analysis - Monday, March 5

Watch one or both of these videos: American Gothic or The Lawrence Tree - write your response to the analysis presented in one of these videos (100 words).

Visual Analysis - Friday, March 2

Watch this video: The Last Judgement by Michelangelo - write your response to the analysis presented in the video on The Last Judgement (100 words).

Reading Challenge

I challenge you to create a reading challenge for yourself for 2018. Here is Pop Sugar's reading challenge. You can use it to get ideas to create your own. Last year, my students and I did the 16 book reading challenge. I ended up reading 45 books in 2017, so this year my challenge will be to read 50 books. Create your challenge in any way that will motivate and inspire you to read this year.