Man vs. Machine

To what extent will the human condition decline as technology continues to improve?

The Wretched Stone

I Forgot My Phone (video) - 1) What is the author's argument? 2) Evidence to support. 3) Do you agree with the argument? Why or why not?

Social Media Bad for the Minds of Young People, Right? Maybe Not. - 1) What is the author's argument? 2) Evidence to support. 3) Do you agree with the argument? Why or why not?

Did You Know? - 1) What is the author's argument? 2) Evidence to support. 3) Do you agree with the argument? Why or why not?

Why I'm Not Going to Buy a Computer

In Praise of a Snail's Pace

Watching TV Makes You Smarter


•Write 1 page answering our original question:

To what extent will the human condition decline as technology continues to improve? Support your position with reasoning and examples from your observations, reading, and experience.

•First sentence – thesis (highlight in one color)

•Craft your argument

•You must appeal to logic and emotion through the use of one or two strategies each (highlight in another color and label)

•You must use two pieces of evidence (highlight in another color)

•The Human Condition means the fundamental issues of human existence.

•How we live our lives

•Human nature

•Human society