Legacy of Racism

Our Community


Research the demographics of the zip code where you live and a zip code that is across Fresno's "Mason-Dixon line" (i.e. Shaw Ave.). For example, if you live in the 93706 zip code, you live south of Shaw. So, you would research your own zip code and a zip code that is north of Shaw Ave. Click here to view a zip code map of Fresno. There are only two zip codes in Fresno that straddle Shaw Ave. (93704 and 93722). If you live in one of those zip code areas, your home is still north or south of Shaw Ave. If you live north of Shaw, then the second zip code you research should be south of Shaw Ave. Create an infographic using a site like Canva.com comparing the two zip codes you research using at least 4 points of comparison.

Demographics to include in your research

Websites to find demographic information:



Our Nation

Pulitzer Prize Winners 2018

Full List and Rationales for the Winners

The Cultural and Political Forces Behind Kendrick Lamar's Pulitzer

"Ultimately, this year's prize for music has sparked a vibrant conversation about aesthetics, class, the division between so-called high and low art and whether giving one of the most esteemed prizes in American music to one of its most popular musicians represents a long-overdue corrective or an insult to non-commercial, so-called serious music." - Randall Roberts, L.A. Times

Mr. Lamar, a 30-year-old from Compton, Calif., is the first winner who did not produce classical or jazz music — and certainly the first rapper. Mr. Lamar’s fourth LP topped the charts while also tackling thorny personal and political issues, including race, faith and the burdens of commercial success. 


Case for Reparations_Coates.pdf


Should the federal Government pay reparations to African Americans for slavery? Use evidence from the texts in this section to support your argument. Write 300-350 words (thesis as first sentence with approximately one page of support).


Should the state of California pay reparations to African Americans for slavery? Use evidence from the texts in this section to support your argument. Write 300-350 words (thesis as first sentence with approximately one page of support).

Culminating Project

For your project, you will be writing or speaking to a specific audience of your choice regarding the legacy of racism in the city of Fresno. You will need to consider the rhetorical situation. What is your purpose (to persuade, to inform)? What is your message? What is the persona you are adopting to get your message across (are you already part of an organization or club that could lend credibility to your argument)? What is your message? Who is your target audience?

Decide if you want to work alone, with a partner, or with a small group. Decide how much time and energy you want to invest. Do you care deeply about this issue? Consider the final outcome for your project - are you willing to go the distance? (i.e. don't choose to create a lesson for 6th/7th graders unless you are willing to go to a school to present to a class). Consider who in class you want to work with (if anyone) to create this project. Could you combine a project of yours with a project of someone else? 

Options for the project:

Deadline 1 - 

Deadline 2 - 

Deadline 3 - 

Deadline 4 -