Atelierhaus Australische Botschaft (OST)

When I first arrived in Berlin I stayed in this studio for 10 days in October. During that time I met a wide variety of very accomplished artists working in: furniture design, architecture, performance arts, performing arts, visual arts, puppetry, clothes making, theatre design , music, writing, publications, and object making .

When I returned to Berlin in December 2018 I did a few performances and developed works with some of these artists.

This is the information about the performance SINE presented at the Atelierhaus Australische Botschaft in December 2017.

We did another performance using the actions of the dancer to create the sound score, and we invited the audience to join in.

(It is on a free wordpress site hence the advertising; I do not endorse any products or services advertised)

This is a section of the performance SINE discussed in the website above.

These are three pieces were initially developed for the installation at the Convent Sant Agusti in Barcelona. As the actual installation was developed different sounds were used.

These were created in my first stay in the Botschaft.

These are recordings of an improvisation with clarinetist Brigid Burke & dancer Julia Maria. Two improvisations were recorded.