
1. Bio-mimetic robot

1) Quadrupedal robot

     2) Snake robot 

    3) Jumping robot 

  4) Robotic bird 

2. Robotic hand and manipulator

1) Robot gripper for industry

2) Soft gripper 

2-1) CFH finger & Humanoid robot hand 

This work was selceted as a cover of Soft Robotics on Feb. 2023.

    2-2) Pneumatic finger 

    2-3) Wearable globe

3. Mechatronics system 

    1) Sensors and actuator 

2) Micropatterning system 

3) Personal Off-the-ground(OTG) Mobility

4. Artificial intelligence for robotics

1) Safe-HRC with ML & Vision

    2) AI based approaches for mobile robots 

5. Autonomous locomotion 

1) Biomimetic RL Controller for mobile robots

     2) Path tracking and obstacle avoiding of mobile robots