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Diese Dokumentation beschreibt den Inhalt der neuesten Version der Anwendung.

A customisable watch face made for you  the link of the FAQ  is HERE.  In this FAQ you have an explaination of all functions

This documentation describes the usage of the latest version of the FACE

All Fields are customizables

The FREE version is fully operational . Only some more options or functions are unavailable.  And every 2 hours if you don't turn the wrist, you will have a information page

You must register via the form to get a full version

You must run and test the Watch Face before sending a donation

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Please rate me if you enjoy it!

A DONATION is only for one watch face and one watch reference


To have a license, the standard process will be 

Differents screens on your watch . 

Recents watches until 10 fields, oldest until 8 fields.

PAGE 1 with 6 fields  Z1 to Z6 (as indicated bellow) and 

when you turn the wrist 4 more fields (Z7 to Z10)  or 2 more fields  (Z7 to Z8)

PAGE 1 to the left and when you turn the wrist PAGE 2 to the right. In the settings you can set only page 1 even when you turn your wrist

PAGE 1 to the left and when you turn the wrist PAGE 2 to the right. In the settings you can set only page 1 even when you turn your wrist

With GARMIN CONNECT on your phone or GARMIN EXPRESS on a computer, you can set up the application and customize it

3 informations to get a license

 1) your watch reference (partnumber)  Tag 1 

2) Your identity (name, mail , country...)

3)Name of the application because license depends of watch reference and application reference Tag 4

After your donation you will receive a license and you will entered this license in Tag 3

Tag 1 indicated the reference of your watch

Tag 2 indicated if you have  FREE VERSION or PREMIUM VERSION

Tag 3 where your enter the license

Tag 4 The name of the application and it reference



Descriptions and explanation for all settings you can make in the application

Watch reference (unchangeable by the user). This field indicates the rerefence of your watch. In other applications, it will be important in case of donation to have a license. A watch for the Asian market does not have the same reference as a so-called standard watch. The license will not be identical

What is your version type (unchangeable by the user). This field indicates the version type. You must make the settings with Garmin connect on your phone, because this field is writed by the watch. If you use Garmin Express, this field will not be writed after the change, but after you started the program on your watch.

Enter your license

If you buy a license, you will have all functionnalities of the face. Otherwise, you will have some contraints on some functions

WF4COOL application number

Example V=10.82 A=512114

This field indicates the version of my application WF4COOL , and the reference in all my applications(A=512114). I recommend always having the latest version of the app. To have the latest features, but also the latest corrections. All updates are completely free for the watch reference you registered.

Your personal Fonts

Several fonts in the application depends of the memory watch



Personnal days of week

By default it's not necessary to change this. But if you want a special language not available in the application or you want a special language not available in Garmin, you can set it.

In the picture I set in ESPERANTO my personal days of week

Read this link to implemented this settings

Personal  months of year 

By default it's not necessary to change this. But if you want a special language not available in the application or you want a special language not available in Garmin, you can set it.

In the picture I set in ESPERANTO my personal months of week

Read this link to implemented this settings

Color1 , same for color2, color3

You can set colors for each element in the face

Background, hours, minutes, secondes, functions, arc.

Each color is a number from 0 to 63 (depends on your watch)

Each number represents a color

colors settings in one field

Because  a lack of memory in connectiq I decided to use this functionnalty. It's less easy for user, but if you read the documention it will be useable

The format is number and separator (don't forget the ; )

example 0;63;63;48;48;60;60;42;48;7;21;  for a watch with 64 colors


first) number is the color of the background

2nd) is the color of  left hour

3nd) is the color of rigth hour

4nd) is the color of minute left

5) is the color of minute right

6) is the color of second left

7) is the color of second right

8) is the color of functions Z1 to Z8 / Z10,  colon and am/pm symbols

9) is the color  of arc. (steps,  )

10) is the color  of arc2.   floors)

11) Background color for Arc

example    0;63;63;48;48;60;60;42;48;9;21; will be

0= background  in black

63= hour left in white

63= hour left in white

48= minute  left in red

48= minute  right in red 

60= second left in yellow 

60= second right in yellow

42=function Z1/Z10 : and AM/PM symbols in grey

48=arc in red

 9=arc in green 

21= background color in black grey

Press help button  and you have more information of the definition of all numbers

for 64 colors watches or 14 colors ==>


Screen off. Active only when you turn the wrist

Like an APPLE watch you can set a permanent black screen and display the face only when you turn the wrist and during 10 secondes

standard display

Display face only when you turn the wrist

Display colon between hours and minutes

Set this if you want colon between hours and minutes? You display a or p . A for antemeridian P for postmeridian

In 24 hours format you don't have a or p indication

Complete the hour with  a 0 on the left

When the hour is 08h15 and your watch is in 12h format the face display 8:15. if you want 08:15, set this option. No effect if you watch is in 24 H format

Center hours in 12h00 format, otherwise align right

When the hour is 8h15 and your watch is in 12h format the face display 8:15. and 8 is centerer. If you unselect the field, the 8 is right align. 

Actions when you turn the wrist

2 pages in the watch face. but 3 actions

Don't display second screen when you turn the wrist

Display page 2 with 8 or 10 fields in high power (update every 1 second)

Display page 2 with 8 or 10 fields in high power only if you make a double actions in same second. If not in same second, you don't display page 2


With special settings you can invert PAGE 1 and PAGE2 read bellow HHMM low first


Select for HHMM low first, unselect for HHMM Big first

2 pages in the watch face. Page1 with 6 fields in low power (update every 1 minute) or page 2 with 8 or 10 fields in hiw power (update every 1 second)

But with this settings, you can have 10 fields in PAGE1 and HHMM will be low and 6 fields in page 2 HHMM will be big

In page 1 you will have screen right on top and in page 2 screen right on bottom

Usualy this page is PAGE2 but with this settings it will be PAGE1

Usualy this page is PAGE1 but with this settings it will be PAGE2

hhmm in page 2 in vertical or in horizontal

If hhmm vertical you will have screen right on top 

If hhmm horizontal you will have in page 2 screen right on bottom

Tips, you can mixed with HHMM in first page

HHMM in Vertical display

HHMM in Horizontal display

Select for SECONDS in Page2 in large format, unselect for HHMM in small size

2 pages in the watch face. Page1 with 6 fields in low power (update every 1 minute) or page 2 with 8 or 10 fields in hiw power (update every 1 second)

But with this settings, you don't display hhmm in low but only seconds in big format

If you want hour, you can set in field 10 function hour

Check to display a reduce screen when time is on Do not disturb plage

In this case, you will have this screen during DND period.(settings of your watch)

Where are the permanents seconds

You can select the position of the permanents seconds. Z3 Z4 Z5 or Z6. In this case don't forget to set function seconds if this fields

In this example it's in Z3 field

Override the movebar on fields

The motion bar function is often empty, because you often move. The field is therefore of little use the rest of the time. This option leaves the possibility of displaying this field only if the bar is full filled. You choose its position. The field's original function is no longer displayed and the motion bar is displayed instead.

Select 0 if you don't want this possibility, otherwise indicate the field where you want the bar to appear when it is full.

In this example field Z6 is used

If you move again then the field Z6 resumes its usual content

Select the desired arc counters (only for users with a license)

around the watch you have 4 arcs with this settings you can select what arc you want to display

Number separator

You can select a separator 

/ (slash)  space   .  (point)  -  or  :  

I will be used in several functions of the application between each separation

Display fields with a maximum possible size

You can increase the size of the font if the accepts it.

Description of the fields

If the watch you can have 6, 8 or 10 fields. It depends of the memory of your watch. If you have a recent watch with more memory, you can have a lot of functions (more than 54 functions)

Programmed UTC second hour (only for users with a license)

You set the region of the second hour from -12 to + 14

and you select function Programmed Utc second hour in a field Z1 to Z10

Sleep mode if no activity is detected (only for users with a license)

When you don't move your wrist after 2 hours the face displays an inactivity screen. 

In the setting you can in PREMIUM VERSION

   1) don't use the functionnality

   2) Black screen (no display on the screen)

   3) ZZZ screen (only Zzz on the screen)

  4) HHMM on the screen

Or in FREE VERSION an alert about free version. You can't delete it in free version

If you turn the wrist you have screen PAGE 2/PAGE1 during an another cycle

Countdown date (only for users with a license)

You have a run, an event  on 31/07/2021 and you want to know how many days to your event

Set the date in this settings COUNTDOWN Date and set in field Z1 to Z10 function countdown date

Your display will be

Format is days and hours (e.g 160 days and 7h01 (pict 1)

 or only hours 6h59 to the countdown date (pict 2)

When it's D day you have  D-Day label (pict 3)

When expired you have  Expired date (pict 4)





User function (only for users with a license)

In some case you want a special combinaison of function

With user function you can make a special function only for your need.

Set what combinaison you want and set in field Z1 to Z10 function user function

Example in FIELD 6

Actives Calories Goal in one day (only for users with a license)

set your goal in one day

This settings is used in arc counter number 3 around the bezzle a percent of your goal

Icon selection

With your watch you can have 4 icon (3 for oldest watches

Bluetooth , Alert, Message, Do Not Disturb icon

But  perhaps you don't want display  all icons . Perhaps only BT, or BT and Alarm but not Message. 

It's available with this settings

Your API key (only for users with a license)

This app uses its own API key to call up the weather site. However, it is common to all users of my watch faces. It is a free license, but it has a certain number of rights of use in a minute, in a day and in a month. If this limit is exceeded, then the weather site will return a 429 error (too much use in the same period)

You will then need to use your own key.

To do this you must go to the site and create your own API key.

All of this is free on open weather site

Make this creation, validate the registration and then enter the API key of 32 characters in the API area of my application.


Timer background API(refresh low impact battery consumption) (only for users with a license)

In background the watch face make a request on weather API. It's in minutes every 15 minutes by default. The face use your stored position. Read in FAQ how to store my previous GPS position. 

Your BT must be on and your phone too with Garmin connect in background

You must set in field Z1 to Z10 the function Temperature 

If you don't have a BT connection you will have a return code.  

using colors. (only for users with a license)

Several combinaisons are available in association with settings CHANGE colors every xx minutes

1) Only color1 or color2 or color3. The color is fixed and no automatic change after few minutes

    Don't use settings CHANGE colors every xx minutes

2) Alternate colors from color1 to color 3. 

   The face displays color1 and after xx minutes, changes to color 2,... color 3 and color1, and so on.

    Use settings CHANGE colors every xx minutes

3) Alternate  colors 1 to colors 2 depends of sunrise sunset 

   When time is between Rise and Set:   Sunrise <  TIME < Sunset  face uses color1 

   When time is between Set and Rise:   Sunset <  TIME < Sunrise  face uses color2 

    Don't use settings CHANGE colors every xx minutes

Change colors every xx minutes (only for users with a license)

indicates the cadence of the colors change in minutes

 No effect in only color1 or color 2 or Color3 no change is made.

 No effect on sunrise sunset settings

Explanation of FUNCTIONS in the application 

FAQ      Frequent ask questions

All your questions may have an answer here

the link of the FAQ  is HERE

All changes since the initial program:  March 2, 2016 

Use this link HERE