Using Colors/theme explaination

Function depends of the memory capacity of your watch and the application

Some watches like the FR45 or old watches (Fenix3 ...) may not have all the options

Fixed programmed Color 1

You describe all the colors for all fields, functions, hours, minutes seconds. It's like a theme.

Fixed programmed Color 2

Some watches like the FR45 or old watches (Fenix3 ...) may not have all the options

You describe all the colors for all fields, functions, hours, minutes seconds. It's like a theme.

Fixed programmed Color 3

Some watches like the FR45 or old watches (Fenix3 ...) may not have all the options

You describe all the colors for all fields, functions, hours, minutes seconds. It's like a theme.

Rand all + Prog Bgrd

Use the background color of COLOR1, COLOR2, COLOR3 (in alternative mode) then will be random on the next one. No color will be identical to the previous one.

Colors change over time specified in settings

The parameter is in minutes (every minute is the default) This settings is in minute and change color/theme every minute if settings is set to 1 (From 1 to 60 minutes)

Only 13 colors will be used

Some watches like the FR45 or old watches (Fenix3 ...) may not have all the options

Rand all DOUBLE + Prog Bgrd

Use the background color of COLOR1, COLOR2, COLOR3 (in alternative mode) then will be random on the next one.

The two colors of hours will be same and two colors of minutes will be same and two colors of seconds will be same. All other will be random

Colors change over time specified in settings

The parameter is in minutes (every minute is the default) This settings is in minute and change color/theme every minute if settings is set to 1 (From 1 to 60 minutes)

Only 13 colors will be used

Some watches like the FR45 or old watches (Fenix3 ...) may not have all the options

Alternate programmed Color 1,2,3

Use the colors of COLOR1, COLOR2, COLOR3 (in alternative mode)

Colors change over time specified in settings. This settings is in minute and change color/theme every minute if settings is set to 1 (From 1 to 60 minutes)

The parameter is in minutes (every minute is the default)

Some watches like the FR45 or old watches (Fenix3 ...) may not have all the options

Alternate Color 1 Color 2 according to sunrise/sunset

Use COLOR1, after the sun rise

Use COLOR2, after the sun set and until sunrise

Some watches like the FR45 or old watches (Fenix3 ...) may not have all the options