
Colors depends of the capacity of your watch

each number represents a color

NUMBERS/COLORS for watches with 64 Colors

Transparent color is represented with number 64 in some case

Example in 64 colors

when to enter 0 you will have black color , when to enter 63 you will have white color, 48 for red and so on

NUMBERS/COLORS for watches with 14 Colors

Transparent color is represented with number 15 in some case

Example in 14 colors

when to enter 0 you will have black color , when to enter 13 you will have white color, 9 for red and so on

NUMBERS/COLORS for watches with 8 Colors

Transparent color is represented with number 9 in some case

Example in 8 colors

when to enter 0 you will have black color , when to enter 7 you will have white color, 4 for red and so on

Distribution of watches by number of colors


The format is number and separator semi colon ; don't forget the ;

First) is the color of the background

2nd) is the color of left hour

3nd) is the color of rigth hour

4nd) is the color of minute left

5) is the color of minute right

6) is the color of second left

7) is the color of second right

8) is the color of functions Z1 to Z8 or Z10

9) is the color of arc. (steps, and actives minutes)

10) is the color of arc2. floors, and active calories)

11) Background color for Arc


example for a watch with 64 colors


will be in the picture

0= background in black

63= hour left in white

63= hour left in white

48= minute left in red

48= minute right in red

60= second left in yellow

60= second right in yellow

42=function in grey

48=arc in red

9=arc in green

21= background color in black grey