Select ARC explanation

In this watch face, you can display 4 arcs

Each ARC is a percent of your goal.

however, you may wish to customize your display

Only Arc 1 or Arc 1 and 2 . It's possible and you know me

Each ARC represents a function and a number

ARC1 is Floors climbed percent of your goal in your profil settings in a day and it's number 8 (some watches without a barometer sensor don't have this option

ARC2 is STEPS percent of your goal in your profil settings in a day and it's number 4

ARC3 is ACTIVE calorie percent of your goal in your profil settings in a day and it's number 2

ARC4 is ACTIVE minute percent of your goal in your profil settings in a day and it's number 1

After your selection you add all number and you set in the field 8 + 4 + 2 + 1

EXAMPLE 1 you want only ARC Floors climbed so set 8 in field

EXAMPLE 2 you want ARC Floors climbed number 8


ARC Active Calorie number 2

so 8+2 and set 10 in the field

EXAMPLE 3 you want ARC STEPS number 4


ARC Active Minute number 1

so 4+1 and set 5 in the field

EXAMPLE 4 you want ARC Floors climbed number 8


ARC STEPS number 4


ARC Active Calorie number 2


ARC Active Minute number 1

so 8+4+2+1 and set 15 in the field

EXAMPLE 5 you don't want any ARC set 0 in the field