Apr 20th - Information Session @ McConaghy
Post date: Apr 13, 2024
Our next Information Session will be held in-person on Saturday April 20th from 10am-12pm at the McConaghy Centre. Come and join us to learn about the amazing world of Computer Desktops/Laptops (Apple/Windows), Tablets (Android/Apple iPads), Smartphones (Android/Apple iPads) and more!
10:00 – 11:30: This session may include a presentation on a relevant technology topic or just be an open discussion or a Q&A on current topics of interest with regards to phones, tablets or computers and how our daily lives are affected.
Brian will give a presentation on his “Personal Experience with the Application of Machine Learning”. In the early 1980's he had the good fortune to meet and work with Donald Michie, Peter Mowforth and Peter Donaldson. Peter was working in Brian’s research field of neural-prosthetics with Giles Brindley. Donald Michie and Peter Mowforth lead the Turing Institute at Strathclyde University in Glasgow. During WW2 Donald Michie was a leading scientist in the team at Bletchley Park lead by Alan Turing. Giles Brindley was a member of the Ratio Club, as was Alan Turing, at Cambridge University. Peter Donaldson conducted the key experiments in what is now called machine Learning the mid 1960's, for which he was recently recognised and honoured by the British Computer Society. In this presentation, Brian will give some personal insights into these colleagues, and he will outline his experience with machine learning, including some results of ongoing research at Oxford. Sigmund will follow up with a demonstration of AI using his phone.
Afterwards, attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions related to the technology they use daily which would be of interest to everyone in attendance.11:30 – 12:00: 📢This will be a "One-to-Few" help session for those in-person at the McConaghy Centre building only. Volunteers/individuals in the building will gather in groups of interest (i.e., Apple/Android Smartphones and tablets, computers using Apple/Windows OS) where the volunteers will provide tips for your devices. Please note that the Volunteers are not here to "fix" problems.
See our Zoom User Guide by clicking here.
You can connect with us virtually by clicking on the appropriate link provided in our Newsletter Update. Please note that virtual attendees are unable to participate in the discussions. If you do not receive our Newsletter and wish to be added to our distribution list, please email us with your full name (see Contact Section). To attend in-person, you must have an Adult 55+ membership.
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