Creative  ⭕️  Circle

Welcome! You have found the website for our local arts' group.

Were you looking for information about attending the Sept. 14th

Portola Valley Arts Fest?

I think you will be happier here.

This site you have landed on is for the creative circle and other artists who will be participating in the arts fest. Of course, you are welcome to poke around all you like, and if you would like even more information about the creative circle, please drop us a line at

Dorothy Parker once said:

Creativity is a wild mind and a disciplined eye.

The creative circle encourages the wild and supports the discipline we each need to reach our goals in our individual creative practice. 

Art Shares

Creating Together

Studio Visits

Exhibition Outings

Photographers, writers, potters, musicians, painters, gardeners! -- we are creative people of every persuasion. We meet monthly in the San Francisco Bay Area for a free exchange of ideas, a sharing of creative work, and a discussion of the ups and downs of our creative practice. We also attend arts events together, pursue our creative activities in community, and occasionally host creative events.

In Zen, an ensō (円相, "circular form") is a circle that is hand-drawn in one or two uninhibited brushstrokes to express a moment when the mind is free to let the body create. — Wkp.

Happy Connections and Extentions from the 2023 Arts Fest

After Libby Raab's work was noted in the Group Exhibition at the Arts Fest, she was invited to have a solo show at the Community School of Music and Arts in Mountain View last October. What a great success! Her work looked beautiful in the space, and she sold nearly all her pieces.

Collaboration Catalyst

Though they knew of each other before, it was reconnecting at last year's Arts Fest that got Laura Engdahl and Ellen Brook to take the next step. They got together to learn new skills and collaborate.

The DeYoung Open

Painters Jean Pettigrew Whelan and Kevin Gill were both selected for the 2023 Open.

Creative ⭕️ Circle 

Portola Valley Arts Fest 2024

⭕️ 10:00-5:00, September 14 ⭕️

Let's make another wonderful event!

Exhibition and Sale

Here is your chance to show off your favorites or empty those closets of accumulated work. 

Thanks to Patrice for organizing the group show in 2023 and 2024.

Readings and Book Sales

Thanks to Ateret for organizing four authors in 2023 representing different genres of writing. Cool mix.

For a Good Cause

What's your favorite charity? You can influence what any funds raised will support.

Without a dedicated coordinator in 2023, this was diminished. Be the lead in 2024!

Want to take part in putting on the Arts Fest?  Just say the word!

Indigo Workshop

With renown shibori artist Analisa Hedstrom

What fun we had! So much to learn, but such magical beauty easily achieved.