Arts Fest Money Matters

Sales and Donations

🪙 This year there will be a fee of $30 for artists who have a booth because it is simply pricy to put this on, but we will still take no cut. All profits go to the artists.  Note that there is no fee to be in the Group Show.

🪙 No cashier. All sales are managed by the artist.

🪙 There is an ATM at the other end of the long parking area, but think about being prepared for on-line processing such as Square, Venmo, Zelle, PayPal, etc. There is good cell coverage and back-up wifi. (You will find the password in your spot packet.)

💱 If you would like to read more about using a QR code for digital sales click here.

🪙 Authors, you can do sales at the event, or, if the books are already for sale on line somewhere, make sure I know where people can buy your books, so we can make QR codes people can use at the sale. (Or send me QR codes to post).

🪙 It is the artist’s choice whether and how to participate in the fundraising aspect of the show.

🪙 And if you don’t want to sell but just exhibit? Go for it. This show is to express yourself and your love of art however seems best. People who don't want to sell can show their work in the group exhibition area.

🧧Donation information

Although the charitable aspect of this is near and dear to my heart, it does not have to pertain to you. Your politics are your own, and it may be very important that you keep every cent you earn. I respect that. The arts are also very near and dear to my heart, and supporting you means supporting the arts. 

Also, you may have a cause or an organization you particularly value. This would be a great opportunity to get the word out about it and send some funds its way. Consider printing out some information for visitors to read and an easy way for them to give. Maybe you just donate a portion of your proceeds, but you can also have them give directly (potentially separately from your earnings.) We have made our flow codes for this event at, but there are many such sites to choose from which make it very simple for anyone with a smartphone.

Remember, sales are not centralized. You are in charge of your own sales, and you are in charge of figuring out if and how you will donate any portion of your earnings.

💑Donated Works

I do not have a special place to exhibit work to be donated to any particular cause. Keep any work you plan to donate within your own display. You get to decide what cause to support and how you will manage the donations.