

Band Date: 9/24/2019

Weight: 74, Fat: 2

Site 8, Rail Road Creek

Date Left PRP: 11/01/2019

<- update image

Fall 2019:

Left PRP 11/1/19 @ 7:23PM

Newtowne Neck - First: 11/1 @ 7:59pm Last: 8:17pm

Motus Map

Antenna Bearings

Initial spike in signal strength is the bird being transported back into the marsh, final spike in signal strength is bird leaving the park

Wind Map on 11/1

Antenna Bearings (UTC)

Date Captured Weather Notes

  • Tides:
  • Temperature:
  • Wind:
  • Cloud Cover:
  • Pressure:
  • Precipitation:
  • Humidity:

Departure Weather Notes

  • Temperature:
  • Wind:
  • Cloud Cover:
  • Pressure:
  • Precipitation:
  • Humidity:
  • Sunset: 6:07 pm
  • Last Light: 6:34 pm