Qualitative Analysis

Sex was also predicted by using visual cues such as AP, head slope, and bill color. Hypothesis: males have a isoloated AP, canvasback-like head slope, and yellow bill color. Females have a connected AP, significant slope to head, and olive bill color.

AP was limited to being defined in AHY birds. Still trying to develop ways to support bill color and head slope using the data collected.

Sample Sizes:

AHY-F (n = 21)

AHY-M (n = 26)

Sex count colored by AP

All AP categories defined by sample individuals

AP count colored by Sex

All AP categories defined by sample individuals

Sex count colored by AP

Defined APs grouped into categories: C, CR, ISO, UCR, and Undefined

AP count colored by Sex

Defined APs grouped into categories: C, CR, ISO, UCR, and Undefined

AP Defined

C - Connected

SC - Strong Connected

FC - Faint Connected

ISO - Isolated

FISO - Faint Isolated

CR - Connected Rear

UCR - Unconnected Rear

FUCR - Faint Unconnected Rear
