DNA Analysis

A total of 108 blood samples were collected from a believed sample set of:

  • 29 After Hatch Year-Males (AHY-M)
  • 18 After Hatch Year-Females (AHY-F)
  • 30 Hatch Year-Males (HY-M)
  • 31 Hatch Year-Females (HY-F)

DNA sexing revealed that we had in fact sampled:

  • 26 After Hatch Year-Males (AHY-M)
  • 21 After Hatch Year-Females (AHY-F)
  • 29 Hatch Year-Males (HY-M)
  • 32 Hatch Year-Females (HY-F)

Out of 108 samples, we incorrectly assumed the sex of 20 individuals (18.52%). More females were incorrectly sexed as male (12/20 = 60%). More After Hatch Year soras were incorrectly sexed (11/20 = 55%).

Quantitative and qualitative data was collected in hopes to justify our current field sexing techniques to a 95% accuracy or create more accurate field sexing methods.

Quantitative data collected:

  • Culmen length (mm)
  • Tarsus length (mm)
  • Toe length (mm)
  • Weight (g)
  • Fat (scored 0-5)

Qualitative data collected:

  • AP
  • Bill color
  • Head slope