Sound Surveys

Sound (call-back) Surveys

40 sites were surveyed, across a distance of five miles of the Patuxent River. Sites were selected based on vegetation preferences of soras for habitat and diet, which includes cattails, wild rice, and tear-thumb. . At each sound survey site three “Kerwee” calls and three “Whinny” calls were played, as well as, three paddle slaps across the water to illicit a response. A period of silence followed each to listen for responding rails.

Despite conducting less sound surveys in the fall of 2019, there was a 98.87% increase in the number of rails heard from 2018 to 2019. In the fall of 2018 we conducted seven surveys, two of which were in the evening. In the fall of 2019 five surveys were conducted, all of which were conducted in the morning.

2018-2019 Sound Surveys

2018 Results

2019 Results

Sound surveys were conducted seven times on an almost weekly basis between September 6th and October 26th. Five of the sound surveys were conducted at sunrise, while the other two were conducted just before sunset. Overall the surveys yielded 355 individual responses. Sites 23 through 40 yielded twice as many individual responses as sites 1 through 22, for 230 responses versus 125 responses. The maximum number of rails heard per one survey was 146 on 9/26/2018. The maximum number of rails heard per site was 28 individuals at site 23.

Sound surveys were conducted five times in total on a bi-weekly schedule between August 29th and October 19th. All of the surveys were conducted at sunrise and overall yielded 706 individual responses. Sites 23 through 40 yielded 434 responses. Sites 1 through 22 yielded 272 responses. The maximum number of rails heard per one survey was 345 on 10/3/2019. The maximum number of rails heard per site was 54 individuals at site 26.