Cat (#116)


Band Date: 9/27/2018

Weight: 71, Fat: 1

Site 7, Rail Road Creek

Date Left PRP: 10/29/2018

Fall 2018:

Left PRP 10/29/18 @ 7:40PM

Knowles Tower, Bahamas - First: 10/30 @ 3:03pm Last: 3:10pm


Motus Map

Wind Map on 10/29

Antenna Bearings

Antenna Bearings

Signal Strength at the Bahama's Tower

(Showing that the bird flew by the island)

Date Captured Weather Notes

  • Tides:
  • Temperature:
  • Wind:
  • Cloud Cover:
  • Pressure:
  • Precipitation:
  • Humidity:

Departure Weather Notes

  • Temperature:
  • Wind:
  • Cloud Cover:
  • Pressure:
  • Precipitation:
  • Humidity: