
This figure displays a linear regression of within-year Sora recaptures (N=23) for 2017-2019 banding years showing a +0.39g/d increase in weight. Only birds caught equal to or more than 3 days after initial capture are included in the analysis. Three birds had lost weight on recapture.

There is a direct relationship between weight gain and recapture interval. The positive slope (m= 0.39 g/d) of this linear regression indicates that the Soras weight gain increases as the recapture interval increases.

Figure to left exhibits an inverse relationship between the rate of weight gain and initial weight for within-year Sora recaptures (N=23) for banding years 2017-2019. Only birds caught equal to or more than 3 days after initial capture are included in the analysis and three of these individuals displayed negative rates of gain.

The Soras rate of weight gain during their stopover here at Jug Bay is inversely related to their initial weight upon arrival. This is indicated by the negative slope (m=-0.0116 g/d) of the fitted linear regression.