Vegetation Survey


2018 Vegetation

The table above displays the presence (X) of a variety of marsh vegetation at each survey site (1-40) used for the Sound Surveys. Highlighted in gray are the two species that are assumed most beneficial to Soras (Porzana carolina) and highlighted in blue are sites with ten or more rails heard.

Wild rice, 13.08%

Cattails, 20.56%

Jewelweed, 0.93%

Tearthumb, 5.61%

Dotted smartweed, 13.08%

Walter's millet, 4.67%

Water hemp, 10.28%

Pickerel weed, 10.28%

Spadderdock, 10.28%

Arrowhead, 0.93%

Sneezeweed, 2.80%

Phragmites, 0.93%

Climbing hempweed, 2.80%

Bur marigold, 1.87%

Buttonbush, 0.93%

NY Iron weed, 0.93%


2019 Vegetation