

Band Date: 10/26/2019

Weight: 88, Fat: 3

Site 10, Western Branch

Date Left PRP: 12/03/2019

<- update picture

Fall 2019:

Left PRP 12/03/19 @ 6:42pm

Newtowne Neck -First: 12/3 @ 7:42pm Last: 7:54pm

Motus Map

Antenna Bearings (UTC)

Wind Map 12/3

Antenna Bearings

Initial spike in signal strength is the bird being transported back into the marsh, final spike in signal strength is bird leaving the park

Date Captured Weather Notes

  • Tides:
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  • Wind:
  • Cloud Cover:
  • Pressure:
  • Precipitation:
  • Humidity:

Departure Weather Notes

  • Temperature:
  • Wind:
  • Cloud Cover:
  • Pressure:
  • Precipitation:
  • Humidity:

Greg's Notes: 154 @ 6:45pm picked up at my dock, so it’s probably been flying for at least 10 minutes. Passed by me around 10 of 7 and I lost it at 7pm. So approximately 15 minutes. The winds are really calm, very light. Probably around 5-7mph at NW, you can barely feel it. Moon is about, half a moon, but very bright. Sky is crystal clear. Temperature probably in the low 40s. Really light North breeze, you can barely feel it, but there is something there.

Bird being picked up at signal strength 41-32.

Temperature: 39˚

Wind: 6.9mph NNW

Cloud Cover:

Pressure: 1005.8 hPa

Precipitation: 0%

Humidity: 61%