Featured Module (Archived)
(Week of December 9, 2024)

A new educational offering from the Trial Design section of the curriculum wheel has been posted (1-1.5 hours of primary open access content). 

This website will be updated every Monday (by 12:00 PM Eastern) or Tuesday (if Monday is a holiday). Given that the design, implementation, and management of pragmatic trials is a non-linear process, featured modules will relate to various sections of the curriculum wheel over time.

Trial Design Section

Reinforcing the fundamentals: An introduction to clinical trial protocols

Primary content:

National Institutes of Health - Introduction to the Principles and Practice of Clinical Research (Developing Protocols & Manuals of Operating Procedures: An Introduction - Part 1, February 6, 2022): 15-min webinar.

Nova Scotia Health Innovation Hub (Research Methods Unit) - A Guide for Creating a Comprehensive Research Protocol for a Clinical Trial, Observational Study or Qualitative Study (July 2023): 21-page guide.

Collection of clinical trial protocol templates from various Canadian institutions: 10-page template (Bruyere Health - University of Ottawa) (2024), 42-page template (Women’s College Hospital) (November 2022), 14-page template (University of Calgary) (April 2022), 34-page template (CIHR Pan-Canadian Network for HIV and STBBI Clinical Trials Research) (2020), 52-page template (The Hospital for Sick Children) (January 2019), 13-page template (University of Alberta) (August 2009)

NIH Pragmatic Trials Collaboratory - Reporting Pragmatic Clinical Trials (February 22, 2024): 15-page document.

Optional content:

Glasgow RE, et al. Protocol refinement for a diabetes pragmatic trial using the PRECIS-2 framework. BMC Health Serv Res. 2021 Oct 2;21(1):1039. (11-page paper)

Rushforth A. Meeting pragmatism halfway: making a pragmatic clinical trial protocol. Sociol Health Illn. 2015 Nov;37(8):1285-98. (14-page paper)