Featured Module (Archived)
(Week of August 19, 2024)

A new educational offering from the Indigenous Rights & Data Sovereignty section of the curriculum wheel has been posted (1-1.5 hours of primary open access content). 

This website will be updated every Monday (by 12:00 PM Eastern) or Tuesday (if Monday is a holiday). Given that the design, implementation, and management of pragmatic trials is a non-linear process, featured modules will relate to various sections of the curriculum wheel over time.

Indigenous Rights & Data Sovereignty Section

Introduction to Indigenous Content & Cultural Safety Training

Primary content:

HDRN Canada Pragmatic Trials Training Program - Introduction to Indigenous Content and Cultural Safety Training (August 19, 2024): 3-page document.

Preview of online self-directed learning opportunities: The First Nations Principles of OCAP® & San’yas Anti-Racism Indigenous Cultural Safety Training Program: OCAP® website & San’yas website.

The Can-SOLVE CKD Network. An Introduction to Land Acknowledgment (March 30, 2024): 5-min video.

The Can-SOLVE CKD Network. The Learning Pathway Components: 1-page website.

The Can-SOLVE CKD Network. Understanding the history of colonization and its impact on Indigenous health research (February 6, 2020): 1-hour webinar.

Optional content:

Not applicable for the week of August 19, 2024.