St. Louis Office for Developmental Disability Resources
What is St. Louis Office for Developmental Disability Resources (DDR)?
The St. Louis Office for Developmental Disability Resources has a mission to ensure individuals with developmental disabilities in the City of St. Louis have quality services, choices, and full inclusion.
They provide targeted case management for individuals aged 3 and up, and fund a selection of services in St. Louis City.
Accessing Targeted Case Management
1 • Contact Regional Office
You can click here to find your local Regional Office.
Talk to an intake worker.
Complete application provided by Regional Office and send it back.
2 • Eligibility
To be determined eligible by disability you must have a developmental disability attributed to:
Intellectual disability
Cerebral palsy
Head injury
Learning disability related to a brain dysfunction
Any other mental or physical impairment which occurs before age 22 expected to continue indefinitely.
Must have a lifelong extended duration.
Must show substantial functional limitations in 2 or more major life activities:
Language development--receptive and expressive
Capacity for independent living or economic self-sufficiency
To be determined financially eligible you must be Medicaid eligible.
3 • Choosing a Provider
Once determined eligible, you can either obtain case management services with DMH (the Regional Office)
You can receive case management services with DDR.
Accessing DDR Funded Services
Need Assistance?
If you have questions about funded services reach out to a Family Navigator.