Social Security
What are SSI and SSDI?
Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
Provides minimum basic financial assistance to older adults and persons with disabilities (regardless of age) with very limited income and resources. Federal SSI benefits from the Social Security Administration are often supplemented by state programs.
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)
Supports individuals who are disabled and have a qualifying work history, either through their own employment or a family member (spouse/parent).
Concurrent Benefits
Many people qualify for both SSI and SSDI. When eligible under both programs, the term used is "concurrent benefits." Additionally, many people who qualify for SSDI also qualify for Medicaid.
Steps to Get Started with SSI
Steps to Get Started with SSDI
If Filing for A Child
Review this What You Should Know sheet from SSI.
Complete the online Child Disability Report.
Once you've submitted the report, a Social Security Representative will contact you by phone.
Gather Information
Click here to review the Online Adult Disability Application Checklist. Ensure you've obtained all the necessary information and documentation.
If Filing for An Adult
If you're filing for an adult with a disability or blindness, complete the general SSI/SSDI application referenced in the drop down below.
If you're filing for someone aged 65 or older, you cannot apply online. You must apply by phone or at your local office. Please see "Complete Application" below for the number to call and a link to find your local office.
Eligibility Requirements
You can click here to review the terms used to determine eligibility. Keep these terms in mind when completing the application.
Complete an Application
Click here to access the online application for SSI/SSDI.
You can also apply by phone at 1-800-772-1213.
You can also apply in-person at your local office. Click here to use the Social Security Office Locator.
Check on an Application
Look for a response in the mail.
You can check your status using your MySocialSecurity account or by calling 1-800-772-1213.
Appeal the Decision
If your SSI or SSDI application has been denied, you can appeal the process. Click here to learn about the appeals process.
You can do so electronically through the MySocialSecurity portal.
You can also appeal by phone at 1-800-772-1213.
You can also appeal in-person at your local office. Click here to use the Social Security Office Locator.
Additional Helpful Resources
Video to assist with the application process for SSDI.
National Council on Aging
The National Council on Aging provides information to individuals and families about what makes Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) different.
View a side-by side comparison chart of SSI and SSDI to determine what is right for you, including what pays more. Comparison of SSI and SSDI
Read our FAQs to determine your eligibility for these federal benefits programs from the Social Security Administration (SSA) and find out how to apply.
Need Assistance?
If you need assistance with applying or are denied for SSI or SSDI, reach out to a Family Navigator.