Fantasy Items

The list of items you see here can be used in the Fantasy World! If you're looking for items that can be used in the High School World, click here!

Character Changing Items

Gender Badge

Change's your characters biological gender for the next quest or Event. Reverts to normal afterwards.

Price: 10 Stars

One time use

OC Split Up

Allows you to do a Fantasy Event or Quest split bodies with your OC, allowing the both of you to work together in your own bodies. Wears off either after event expires or quest is beaten. Must be bought again for other events.

Price: 20 Stars

One time use

Species Changing Potion

Permanently change the species of your Fantasy or High Schooler!

Price: 10 Stars

One time use

Taking Student's Place

Allows you to do a High School event with your OC in the student's body. Wears off after event expires. Must be bought again for other events.

Price: 20 Stars

One time use

Re-do Previous Event

Allows you pick an event to do that has previously expired. You can do as many prompts as you want from it. Expires once most recent event also expires.

Price: 5 Stars

One time use

Healing Items

Sitrus Berry

Heals an injured status from a failed quest.

Price: 4 Stars

One time use

Revival Herb

Heals an knocked out/fatal injury status from a failed quest.

Price: 8 Stars

One time use

Miscellaneous Items

Quest Submission Skip

Passed a Quest but don't want to do it? Pay up stars and you can just skip it!

(20 Stars if Boss Quest) (Double the Price for Level 4-6) (Cannot be used beyond Level 6)

Price: 10 Stars

One time use

Backgroundless Quest

Hate drawing backgrounds? Purchase this after completing a quest and you will not have to draw a background for it!

(10 Stars if Boss Quest) (Double the Price for Level 4-6) (Cannot be used beyond Level 6)

Price: 5 Stars

One time use

Fantasy OC Retcon

Don't like your Fantasy OC? Purchase this and you'll be able to give your student a new Fantasy character! It will count as a retcon, which means your student and everyone else will not remember them ever having the old OC. All event and quest art with that OC is no longer canon as well. EXP will be reset to 500.

Price: All EXP

2 Month Recharge

Quest Items

Special Red Artifact

Not sure what this does exactly... but perhaps it may come in use in the future?

Price: TBA

One time use

Strange Souvenir

Not sure what this does exactly... but perhaps it may come in use in the future?

Price: TBA

One time use

Moon Amulet

Not to be confused with evolution stones, these are ordinary Amulets in the school world, but may serve a purpose of some kind in the fantasy world!

Price: TBA

One time use

Sun Amulet

Not to be confused with evolution stones, these are ordinary Amulets in the school world, but may serve a purpose of some kind in the fantasy world!

Price: TBA

One time use

Poke Flute

Very useful for waking up a sleeping Pokemon

Price: 10 Stars

One time use

Safety Goggles

Immunity to weather related damage in the Fantasy World.

Price: TBA

One time use

Silph Scope

Allows Fantasy character to identify ghosts.

Price: TBA

One time use