Sea Shantys

Admist the Tournament of Heroes, a few rumors have been circulating. Originally just small whispers have began to turn into rumors that causing panick among the fantasy residents.

"...beasts have been in a frenzy..."

"...merchants attacked lately...'

"-heard it was the pirates"

"Nay! the beasts!"

It seems that multiple merchant ships have been attacked on their way to King Arthur's realm, depriving some ports of needed merchandise. Well this simply cannot go on however... It seems that the cause of the attacks on merchants have not been identified!

The dark clouds affecting the sea monsters near the merchant trails is possible...however pirates could also be the source of misfortune. Arrg! It's difficult to discern so time to hit the waves!


Prompt 1: Find a crew

500 EXP (Double if 3+ panel comic)

Here be the ships on the port looking to set sail and take a beast's head. Dress your character as part of a pirate crew or as a monster hunter joining the expedition.

As you do, investigate the rumors going on and show what your character thinks about what the cause could be!

Prompt 2: Navigate the Tides

500 EXP (Double if 3+ panel comic)

(+200 exp for every additional character not yours involved)

Whirlpools and storms are creating a barrier between you, the pirates, and monster island. Navigate your way through the disasters awaiting or contribute to the wreckage decorating the sea floor.

Prompt 3: Hunt down the Sea Beasts or Pirates

500 EXP (Double if 3+ panel comic)

(+200 exp for every additional character not yours involved)

Out at sea where the pirate and monsters lurk, this be where thee choose a side to take. Support your side and take down the other before both annhilate each other.

Prompt 4: Return to Shore

400 EXP (Double if 3+ panel comic)

(+200 EXP for every additional character not yours involved)

The troubles have been cleared what?

Find a way back to the mainland! Passing ships? Merchants? A friendly gyrados -oof. Maybe not that Gyrados looks mad..or just looks like that-ANYWAYS! Time to find a way back and rest!

Prompt 5: Secret RP Party

400 EXP (Double if 3+ panel comic)

(+200 EXP for every additional character not yours involved)

An RP event will be announced in August! Look out for a posting!


- Artwork must at least be colored and half body.

- Backgrounds are not required!

- Written Entries are allowed for anyone! Literature will earn the same amount as art, but without any bonuses (such as comic bonus).

- 1500 words required individually 2500 words required if collabing with partner (or you're using two of your own characters) (+1000 words for every additional character of yours you also include in it).

- You cannot do both a Written Entry and a Art submission for the same prompt (unless otherwise stated)

- RP Logs are okay though! They must be at least 2000 words.

- Please ask for permission to use another person's character in your art if you aren't sure they're okay with it!

- If you own two characters, and you put them both in the same picture, then they will both get exp/stars from it.

- Collabs are allowed! Both members will get the same amount of exp/stars for a collab.

- PLEASE DON’T OVERWORK YOURSELF!!! This is just for fun, so don’t try to tire yourself out!

If you have any other questions, please ask!

Event due: November 1st, 2022