
Due to deviantArt no longer working properly (Thanks Eclipse), we have moved our events over to Google Sites! In order to learn more about an event and it's details, click either the image or the title!.

In the first of it's kind, DnD Event #1 introduces the world that Fantasy OC's are native to! No darkness to be found here! Just good ol fashion quests and adventuring! Form a team with your fellow heroes and rescue a kidnapped Princess from a fearsome Dragon! Be careful, the road to the Castle is no easy feat, and this Dragon is not one you'll want to take head on...

Date: September 2022, Status: December 2nd

Multiple merchant ships have been attacked on their way to King Arthur's realm, depriving some ports of needed merchandise. Well this simply cannot go on however... It seems that the cause of the attacks on merchants have not been identified!

The dark clouds affecting the sea monsters near the merchant trails is possible...however pirates could also be the source of misfortune. Arrg! It's difficult to discern so time to hit the waves!

Date: August 2022, Status: November 1st

It appears that King Arthur has gotten word about the Sports Festival and now wants to make one of his own! Beware though! It seems that his idea of a Sports Festival is a bit more... extreme than your typical one. You can handle it, though! You're in the body of a hero! Unless for whatever reason you have an OC who doesn't have fantastic abilities, which in that case... BEST OF LUCK!!!

Date: June 2022, Status: Expired

Are you all ready for some sports? Well you're in luck! The Sports Festival is here! It looks like Fantasy High will be competing against some other schools, so we need to look our best and do our best for the competition!

Date: June 2022, Status: Expired

Happy 3rd Year Anniversary to PKMN Fantasy High! May 1st, 2019, was the first event we ever created for this group. Since it's been such a long time, we're going to bring that same event back, but with a bit more modernization to it! So enjoy the "Third" DnD Meeting.

Date: May 2022, Status: Expired

Guys! It's me, Dapuffster! The Nintendo Ninjas may have confiscated my original account, but I still have this one! I'll be better prepared for the Nintendo Ninjas again this time. Especially because I have an event that will help us combat against them! We may not be able to use our Students, OCs, or Fantasy Borns. But you know what we do have? Our Sonas Go get those sons of a bitches and damn copyright laws!

Date: April 2022, Status: Expired

Time has been messed up in the Fantasy World, everyone is starting to rapidly change ages! With the help of Celebi, we need to track down a corrupted Dialga and return the timeline and everyone's ages back to normal!

Date: March 2022, Status: Expired

Due to some weird quirks from the Switcheroo Labyrinth, it seems to have temporarily disconnected the students from their OCs! Upon heading back home, the students are accidentally wiped of their DnD memories. Even stranger is that the Fantasy OCs are here too, but as students! They'll need to do some memory jogging into their counterparts if they ever want to return home!

Date: February 2022, Status: Expired

A mysterious portal emitting dark energy has suddenly appeared within King Arthur's Castle! Taking extra precaution, the OCs split up from their students to go and investigate. Upon entering, they find themselves in a multi-floored Labyrinth! Not only that, but they've been swapped around, too! It seems that this is going to be one chaotic adventure. The students aren't safe, either, they seem to have caught a little side effect of the swapping themselves, too!

Date: January 2022, Status: Expired

A raging snowstorm like no other comes out of seemingly nowhere. King Arthur's Castle has been completely frozen over! The doors won't open, the King and his army are completely trapped inside. A corrupted Santa Claus along with the Ice Mage, Marill Carey, have arrived in an attempt to make Christmas every single day... forever!

Date: December 2021, Status: Expired

Expand the world-building of Fantasy High! There's way more to the school than just the DnD club, you know! Hosted by the Student Council, advertise your own clubs and join others while you're at it! Oh, did we forget to mention? Student Council has a few vacant seats that need filling...

Date: November 2021, Status: Expired

GOOD AFTERNOON CAMPERS! Are you ready to go on a camping trip? We're going to be hiking to the top of the mountain to sleep there for the weekend! Bring your bags, your friends, and totally try not to worry about all the scary horror stories that have came from this location, I absolutely assure you that we'll have a nice and safe trip!

Date: October 2021, Status: Expired

After the King explained the situation with the Princess, you now suddenly have a lot of responsibility on your hands! Because of this, the King asks of you to take a test to truly present yourself as the Hero that this world needs. There are three challenges presented before you...

The Test of Courage, Might, and Wisdom. Are you up to the challenge?

Date: September 2021, Status: Expired

It's another day in the Fantasy World for you and your friends. A mailman shows up to your group and hands you a letter. Opening it up, you see that you and the rest of the heroes have been formally invited to a mysterious castle that claims to be owned by the great ancestor to that very Princess many years ago. He says that it's a grand opening, and you're formally invited to take part in his Ballroom Dance tonight! Perhaps it's time to go check this Castle out and see what it's all about.

Date: August 2021, Status: Expired

Dark spirits are leaking into the real world, and they're after the students! There's only one way to counter-act this.... BY TURNING OUR OCS INTO MARKETABLE PLUSHIES!

Date: July 2021, Status: Expired

It's the end of the year Beach Party! Though it seems that a certain guest has stopped by to set up a talent show called "Beach-A-Palooza". Let's go check it out!

Date: June 2021, Status: Expired

The Dark Forces has caused all universes to collide into one! With the assistance of Pednie and Shulk, you need to team up with other versions of yourself and collect all the mcguffins in order to restore the multiverse back to it's original self!

Date: April 2021, Status: Expired

The Dark Forces are at it with their nasty tricks again! It seems that you and your fellow heroes have been casted to a magical set of Islands that only host feral Pokémon, and they've turned you into one during the process! Seek out the 5 Legendary Pokémon on these mysterious set of islands to assist you and your friends with getting home! But beware... they've been corrupted by the Dark Clouds!

Date: March 2021, Status: Expired

After everyone returned to their bodies, the students and their OC's (separated at Ms. Brook's request), arrive to the so-called town of Amante. The town was bustling with activity and everything was so vividly... pink?? I suppose it's tradition. Pink is notorious to be the color of love anyway. Welp, you guys got your mission from Miss Brooks! Integrate yourselves with the civilians of Amante and have fun!

Date: February 2021, Status: Expired

Uh-oh! A Manaphy has gotten lose and caused all the students in the Fantasy World to swap bodies with each other! Even when you attempt to go home, you're still in the body of the student that you swapped with. Of course, this is only the case if your character was canonically in the Fantasy World at the time. Why does this always seem to happen around the start of the new year?

Date: January 2021, Status: Expired

After taking down the sea and sky bases and 2020 drawing to an end (thank GOODNESS), a well-deserved rest was in order! Where? During the annual high school trip! This year, Miss Brooks has convinced Fantasy High into offering their students a relaxing field trip on a boat cruise to Alaska!

Date: December 2020, Status: Expired

Good news! The next set of magical pills were ready to be taken. It was time to head back into the Fantasy World and split up from the OC counterparts once more. The sky base was so high up in the air, they pondered as to what it could possibly turn them into this time! Perhaps a bird? A plane? No, something much more fitting for a fantasy setting! Just wait and see!

Date: November 2020, Status: Expired

After successfully destroying the Sea Base, the Fantasy team is now getting around to developing the next pill to prepare for the Sky Base. Until then, the students return home and enjoy a Pumpkin Festival!

Date: October 2020, Status: Expired

During our Heroes absence from the fantasy world, Dark Cloud Generators had emerged from the Sea and the Sky! The Students and OCs team up once again as the OCs fight against Pirates on the surface and the Students transform themselves into Mermaids to tackle the Sea Base located underwater!

Date: September 2020, Status: Expired

At last, things had finally came to peace and it was time for the students to return home. Waving goodbye to their OC's, their characters faded back into the consciousness of the student, as the students themselves went through the portal back home to rest for a while.

Why not use this time to reflect on everything that's transpired so far?

Date: August 2020, Status: Expired

The OCs have finally returned to the Fantasy World, and with their own bodies, too! However... it seems that something very terrible has happened to the students. Take this Serum, and subdue the corrupted student to return them to normal!

Date: July 2020, Status: Expired

Still unable to return to the Fantasy World, the OCs are now tasked with attending Prom in their student counterpart's places! Can only imagine that this won't go well at all...

Date: June 2020, Status: Expired

Unable to fully contain the ambush, the OCs were taken away through a portal that sent them into the High School World as the students! They needed to find a way back, but for now, they were going to have to live in the shoes of their student counterparts.

Date: May 2020, Status: Expired

Upon returning to the Fantasy World, the students realized they were no longer in the bodies of their OCs! Instead, they had been separated from them. The OC's protected the students as they were also being ambushed!

Date: April 2020, Status: Expired

Two students would pair up and try to pull off the best outfit performance! This followed directly after the School Festival Event.

Date: March 2020, Status: Expired

With the help of the Student Council, a festival has came to Fantasy High! All the students were able to enjoy a nice time eating snacks and riding attractions!

Date: February 2020, Status: Expired

Being left alone at school while Ms. Brooks took everyone on a field trip, Rose Paige accidentally drops all the student's papers and orders them in the wrong order, causing the students to enter the fantasy world with the wrong OC!

Date: January 2020, Status: Expired

School trip to a Winter Resort!

Date: December 2019, Status: Expired

A giant skeleton man with a pumpkin for a head appeared with his Pumpkin army! The students entered the Fantasy World and fought against them.

Date: October 2019, Status: Expired

The students attend a homecoming dance!

Date: September 2019, Status: Expired

After finally getting back home after being away for weeks, the students settled down and enjoyed some time at school again with Spirit Month!

Date: August 2019, Status: Expired

After getting used to their new bodies, they now had to fight for the Cherry Blossom Tree, as it was their only way home!

Date: July 2019, Status: Expired

The students had their first introduction to the Fantasy World, as well as the bodies of the OCs they created!

Date: June 2019, Status: Expired

The first event for Fantasy High had all the students gathering for their first DnD session ever! Just a normal game session, nothing weird happened here.

Date: May 2019, Status: Expired