

1. Treat everyone with respect

Everyone is different. Not everyone is going to think or do things the same way you do. So keep that in mind and treat members and mods alike the same way you yourself wish to be treated. This group is meant to be a fun place for people to enjoy themselves, so insulting, bullying, and harassment will not be taken lightly.

2. Be Polite

Goes hand in hand with treating people with respect. Not everyone is going to get along with everyone, but at the very least mind your manners around others. If you got nothing nice to say then don’t say anything at all.

3. Do not spam the Group’s front page

4.Do not bother an Admin on their personal profile

Messaging a mod personally without their permission can be annoying and may very well leave any inquiries you might have made unanswered. If you have business with the group then either enter the discord and go to # help or note the group about it.

5. Speak well. Write well.

Grammar is not everyone’s forte. This we know. However, we expect everyone here to be able to communicate using the basic rules of English so that we might all understand one another.

6. Be active

We don’t require constant activity, but we would like it if you were to submit something every 3 months. If you think something is going to keep you from participating in group activities then note the group that you are going on hiatus so that you are not kicked for inactivity. We usually have an activity check twice every year.

7. If you change your username then let us know

We’d like to keep our databases up to date, however that can’t be done if we are never alerted, so do us the courtesy of notifying us when such changes occur.


1. You must complete your application before applying!

Please have the application done before sending in a member request. You must fill in an app correctly. All the information required is found in the application's page. We accept both digital and traditional works.

2. Both Writers and Artist alike can join!

You may now join as either an artist or a writer! Your app art must either have your own art, or art someone else made for you (credit must be given to them as well!). If you do draw yourself, please do not trace other people's work, and make sure that the drawing fills basic anatomy standards (not like stick figures). If you can't draw basic anatomy, please consider getting someone else to make your art for you. Do not beg others to draw for you for free if they don't accept. Commissions are always an option!

3. You must be able to speak and communicate in English.

Please, this is very important, as most members speak English. It's not to be rude, it's so you know what you're getting into.

4. Didn't get in? You can try again!

You will be given up to three chances to make it in per opening. Though please do note, if we see that your application is beyond fixing, or you are on our blacklist, you will not be given these extra chances!

5. Put thought into your characters!

Please put effort into your characters; seriously, we can tell when you don't. Don't make them overly perfect in every way and such a sparkly unique snowflake.

6. Members are allowed start off with two pair of characters! (2 High School and 2 Fantasy).

Additional Character slots are available in the School Shop!

7. Please watch the group to keep updated.

The group is added to your deviantWATCH automatically, please don't remove it or you'll miss important opportunities and events within the group.

8. You are allowed to make a character that already exists in another RP group

HOWEVER... it must be an AU (Alternate Universe) version of them that has no connections to the other group. That being said, you are NOT allowed to post any art that you originally made for the other group your character is also in.

9. Understand the setting of our group!

This is a group set in a relatively normal high school, heavy amounts of violence and other dark character stories should be avoided. No Gangs, no murdering, no excessive violence. We have the Fantasy World for a reason. The Fantasy World is open to more battling and violence due to the nature of it's setting. Please respect the settings of the group at all times.


1. Do not steal nor trace other people’s art.

We understand if you perhaps used references and whatnot to make your drawing, like for poses for example, but outright taking something you did not make and claiming credit for it will not be tolerated.

2. Submit all deviations to the correct folders

It would be nice if we don’t have to keep moving things to their proper places all the time. Making mistakes will not incur any sort of punishment, but it could get your deviation declined until it’s submitted to the right folder, so be mindful of which buttons you click.

3. Group content must be kept PG-13

This group’s rating is PG-13, and as such anything you submit must adhere to such a rating. No nudity showing of the breasts or private parts, no overly sexual content, certainly nothing pornographic in nature, and no intense graphic depictions of violence or gore. If you want guidance on what you can get away with, look to modern movies given the PG-13 stamp of approval, but if you are unsure if a deviation will be accepted then feel free to ask the mod team via group notes.

4. Other reasons why a application may be rejected

Deviations that contain content that may be considered to dark or controversial, to put it simply. Such examples would be rape, pedophillia, suicide, etc... You may be able to submit such works if the mod team feels that you had treated the topic with the respect it deserves, and depending on the context/extent such topics were used, but do be aware that such deviations can be rejected at the mod team’s discretion. Again, if you are unsure if we will accept something please do ask. You can also be rejected if you've had previous bad history with another member currently in the group to the point where it would make them feel very uncomfortable with you being here. And of course, have good behavior.

5. All forms of art are accepted

Visual, written, digital, traditional, animated, sculpted… If you made it we accept it. As long as it is within the boundaries of the group’s rules.

6. Ask the owner before you draw your character

Asking may not always be necessary, but it certainly is polite and considerate. If someone doesn’t like how you have depicted their character, or does not wish for you to even draw their character in the first place, then they reserve the right to ask of us to take down such deviations from the group.


1. Be mindful of what you do in public RP chats

You can do anything you want in private. We don’t care if you draw or RP the nastiest, gruesomest, most violent of subjects on your own. Just remember, if you are in a RP chat room public to the rest of the group members, you have to follow the PG-13 rating.

2. Practice proper RP etiquette

Respect what your RP partner wants

If your partner is uncomfortable with how things are going in an RP then you respect that. A good RP is one where everyone is happy and having fun.

B. Hurting your partner’s character

Occasionally characters get hurt. That’s a given. However, it shall be the owner of the character who decides if and how much their character gets hurt. NOT you. You decide what happens to your character, your partner decides what happens to theirs. You can certainly write a situation that would give your partner’s a chance to severely maim their child, but do not write them into a corner where they have no CHOICE but to have their character get hurt. Leave that decision up to them.

C. Battle RPs

Again, more hurting stuff. Take what has been already said in mind with this next part, as some people may want their characters to duke it out in a RP. Again, you can write situations where the character can take a hit, but in the end it’s up to the owner to decide if they get hurt and by how much. But of course, it should be mentioned that it is never any fun if your character dodges all the attacks and whatnot. It’s boring and can make your partner feel frustrated, so balance things out with when you block and when you get hit. The best battles are ones where everyone has a fighting chance.

3. No Godmodding, Metagaming, or Powerplaying

Godmodding is taking control of another person’s character without their permission. Metagaming is when your character knows something that they should not know otherwise. And powerplaying is when you manipulate things so that your character always comes out on top. As you can imagine, none of this sounds fun for your partner and over all is just considered… boring. It’s not very fun when you get your way the exact way you want it every time you RP, so just don’t do it.

4. No ship-chasing

Do not force a ship on anybody. Just don’t. It really is just best if you let a ship happen naturally rather than force it down someone’s throat. And if your characters do get into a relationship then please respect how far your partner is willing to go in your RPs.


1. Warnings

Warnings will be given out for minor offenses, but offenses all the same. Two warnings will gain you one strike. Be sure to correct your behavior before this happens.

2. Strikes

Three strikes and you are out. You will be kicked and subsequently banned by the group. So just follow the rules and you’ll do just fine.

3. Discipline for Chat offenses

If a warning or strike was gained for chat related activities then you may very well end up being banned temporarily from said chat for a certain amount of time at the discretion of the mod team. Being apart of the group chats is a privilege, not a right. A privilege that can be taken away if you are deemed unruly enough.