What is PKMN Fantasy-High?

Assuming you’re already familiar with Pokemon RP Groups, This group has a gimmick unlike the others in the sense that you create two characters! Your first character is set in the modern, all anthro world as a high school student. Your character then proceeds to join the Fantasy/DnD (Dungeons and Dragons) Club.

Here, is where your second character comes into play! You, or in this case, your Highschool character, will create a Fantasy/DnD/Medieval character that they will roleplay as. These Fantasy characters can be more diverse, as they can be made into many different species such as what you’d find in a normal DnD game. Both Anthros and Gijinkas can be created. (Though Gijinka’s are viewed the same way we view Anthros in the real world. Basically think of them being as a reverse furry.) The character that they make can be whatever they want, they could be a different age, species, gender, or maybe all. Or they could be a self insert, maybe not well made, it’s all up to what your Highschool character would create! All of this can be done through drawing and Roleplaying!

What species are we allowed to play as?

For High School students, it is required that they be Anthros!

For Fantasy characters, they can be either Anthros or Gijinkas!

They MUST be Pokemon, however. Legendaries, Ultra Beasts, and certain Beta Designs are allowed. The only Pokemon that are NOT allowed are Arceus and Giratina.

What kind of genre is this group?

This is a crossbreed between a modern High School group and a Fantasy/Medieval group. The group's events and point systems are split between these two worlds and there will be constant switching back and forth between both.

Do I have to be an artist to join this group?

No longer! You used to be required, but not anymore. If you are not an artist, you will need to find someone to commission or make art for your application. You will also be allowed to do written submissions for things such as events or quests.

What kind of clothing should my character wear?

For High School Students, please refer to this guide!

Your Fantasy characters are more welcome to wear whatever they please! Of course, please keep it PG-13.

What is the group rating?

This group is PG-13 and we are going to be strict on that, especially when it comes to sexual "furry" art. Any art that would normally require a mature warning will not be allowed into the group. If you try to submit art that is not suitable for the group's rating, you will NOT be penalized for it in any way shape or form, the only thing that will happen is that your deviation will not be allowed in the group. So feel free to make whatever you want outside of the group; it's your art. However, please do not share any kind of sexual art in the chatroom, that must be done privately. Otherwise you will be warned for it.

There can be some gore and violence, but please keep it to a minimum. Cussing is allowed as well, however do not abuse it or use them to say nasty and offensive things to other members.

Students should NOT be carrying weapons or drugs into the school. If they were found out it would be expelled immediately! Save the weapons for the Fantasy world...

Does my Fantasy character have to look similar to my High School character?

Not at all! You could even make a high school Anthro Lucario Girl who makes a 70 year old Gijinka Gengar man if you wanted to. Or you could make them a self-insert, or whatever. It's whatever your High School character wants to make!

Can I individually switch out my High School or Fantasy character, but keep the other?

Only your OC can be individually switched out at this time, using the OC Retcon item in the Fantasy Shop! That will allow you to keep your students lore progress while resetting your OC, at the cost of your EXP. If you wish to change your student, it would simply be advised to make a new app and rejoin with the same OC as before.

What are the rules on switching out both a highschool and fantasy character together?

If you request to switch out a character, you may do so! But you may not switch again for 3 months.

How does time work between the Fantasy and High School World?

Time moves very slowly in the high school universe compared to the fantasy universe. One could spend many days within the Fantasy universe within the span of a single DnD club session. This is so that students who visit the fantasy universe for long periods of time would not be considered missing in the real world, which would cause a lot of problems if this was the case. However, that does mean that while in the High School world, a lot of time will have passed in the Fantasy world.

To be specific, the fantasy world moves 200 times faster. 1 Hour in the High School World is roughly 8 days in the Fantasy world. Since the club only lasts 2-3 hours, that means the students can only spend about 25 days in the Fantasy world at a time without worrying their parents. They of course can stay in for longer if they wish, but keep this in mind!

On the flip side, when the students leave the fantasy world and then go back the next day when the next DnD session beings, then roughly 183 days will have passed. Darkness will slowly consume the land again as the fantasy characters are no longer present.

What happens if a person who does not have a fantasy character tries to enter the fantasy world? Where do they even enter and exit from?

They can’t. If your character does not have a Fantasy character fully ready, they cannot enter. The entrance to the Fantasy World is located in the closet area of the DnD Club room. This is the ONLY place were students can enter and exit from. A student who is not apart of the club will simply see an ordinary closet. A Club member can also not enter or exit the fantasy world if a non member is present at the portals entrance.

What happens if my character tries to bring something modern into the Fantasy World?

It will transfer as normal! Just note that there aren't any outlets or stuff to charge things like video games. Phones obviously won't work either because there will no longer be any sort of service.

Is there an antagonist?

Not exactly. The darkness that was released into the world simply corrupts people into becoming evil. So there are a ton of bad guys and monsters all around the land that need to be defeated. There are also many smaller kingdoms and towns that need to be saved as well. Think of the post-apocalyptic nature of Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

What about my character's moveset?

We no longer use regular Pokemon moves. But if you wish, you may give your Fantasy character some Pokemon moves! High School Students cannot have any moves, though! They do not have any power beyond a normal human,

Does the High School World take place in our Earth or Pokemon's Earth? Where on Earth is the High School Located?

It is our Earth, but with Pokemon. Meaning that places such as United States, Europe, and Japan existed while places like Kalos and Unova did not. Since this is an English speaking group, this will be a school set somewhere within the United States! No specific state.

Can my character's history intertwine with another?

Yes, that is most certainly fine.

Can my character own a pet? Can they Evolve?

You may have one right away! If their evolution is a normal size for a pet, then yes!

Can I change my character's species?

If you're unhappy with the species you've chosen, then you can buy the species changing potion for 10 stars in the shop! Each potion you buy will only work once, so you must pick if you wish to change either your fantasy or high school student!

Can I evolve my character?

Yes. You must have had your character for at least 3 months and obtained the necessary evolutionary items (if applicable). To evolve your character, just send a note to the group and update their app accordingly.

How many characters can I have?

You start off the group with two! As in, two High School Student and two Fantasy characters! Two pairings.

There are up to 8 total character slots at this time that you can have. Though you will have to either purchase them from the shop, or earn them by reaching a certain quest level. This number may continue to increase in the future.

Where can I find others to rp with? Is there a chatroom I can go to?

There is a discord for the group! If you are a member and are not in, please note the group and we will add you!

When it comes to weapons, can my character use a gun?

Guns are usable, but not modern ones! A couple of examples of guns that are allowed are Matchlocks and Muskets. These weapons would have to be carefully loaded with gunpowder and set off with a match to fire. Due to their incredibly long reload, they are not exactly used much in a world where magic and highly skilled archers thrive. They're also older guns. Please don't use anything past the 17th century!

Can I join with only a Fantasy character?

Now you can! If you wish to do so, please fill out this application!